Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a miracle!

A post... ON TIME! :O Anyways, you know the drill!

1) I'm super excited for winter break! :D But I have a lot of tests this week.. Chem and Math on Thursday, and an AP Euro test on Friday. I think all the teachers are trying to get it in before break. I guess it's better than having them after, with 2 weeks to start forgetting the information. Anyways, how are your finals going?

2) I had a SAVE holiday party today! It was fun. We had a secret santa and had to bring in a $10 present... But mine was really lame >.< And I opened a REALLY nice one! I felt so bad. But luckily someone "stole" it from me, and I ended up getting a mug. I was happy though because I would have felt too guilty keeping that really nice one!

3) After that, I went to math tutoring with my friend. Like i mentioned in #1, I have a math test Thursday. We are learning about polynomials. :P

Well, talk to you soon! :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sunday Sunday!

1) I ate eggs, potatoes, and toast for breakfast. It was the first time I ate an actual breakfast in a while (which is bad)! But it was yummy and a good way to start off the day :)

2) Me and mom went to Carsons to make a return. Then, we just walked around the mall. Didn't get anything, but it's fun to just walk around during the holiday time. So many pretty kiosks, bustling stores, and christmas music playing. It reminded me of ALL THE SHOPPING I NEED TO DO! :( Do you have a lot of shopping left?

3) Then, I just did some homework when I got home. Oh, and we had tonkatsu for dinner!

Pretty chill day! I'm excited for when you come home soon! :)

It's the holiday season!

1) Friday night, I went to Sammi's house with Rina to help bake. On Saturday, she hosted a secret santa party (more on that in the next point). We made chocolate spice cupcakes with buttercream frosting- they were yummy! We also had taco salads for dinner (and i had one at school for lunch too xD). We watched the Polar Express. I left around 11.

2) On Saturday morning, I went to Kohls with mom to get the rest of my present for Meghan. I got her a pretty silver scarf to complete it! The rest of the present was bracelets and bath and body works lotion, gel, and spray. I think she liked it!

3) The actual party was fun too! Rina and I went over early to help out. We decorated and made yummy salsa and other good food. Around 17 people came! I met a lot of their Schaumburg friends. The bad part was that my secret santa couldn't come.. :( I was sad.. Everyone else got a present but me. But then I got home, and it was sitting on the piano! She dropped it off for me even though she couldn't make it ! That was nice of her. I got a cardigan, cami, and chocolate :D

Turned out to be a nice day. :)

Euro, Layout, and Games!

Thursday was a tiring but good day :) Let's get into it!
1) I got my Euro test back. I got an 89%. Not my best score, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Those tests are hard so I feel good about it. :)

2) After school, I went to the library for a half hour with two friends. Then, I went to the Newspaper office and helped with layout for about 2 and a half hours... It was tiring but I enjoyed it :) We want to get it printed and ready to hand out by Wednesday.

3) After Newspaper (it was around 5:45), I went to pep band for the first basketball game. It was against schaumburg! Unfortunately we lost. Anyways, I really wanted to go to this game because we only had to go to half of it (since it was a school night), but we got one full credit for going. We need to go to at least 7 out of the 10 games for pep season. Not many of my friends were there, but there were a few people there that I talked to. It was an intense game!

I ended up coming home around 9. I had a really bad headache that night, but it felt better in the morning. Anyways, next is Saturday's post! :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Ugh. I really need to start posting on time. :\ Anyways, to accomadate sunday AND tuesday... BIG SIX!!!

1) On Sunday I went to the library (again!) to study with my friend. We ran into SOOO many people from our school there! I guess a lot of people go on sundays! I can't imagine during finals week :o

2) On Monday after school, I went to Scholastic Bowl. But the teacher wasn't there because he was at a meeting regarding block scheduling (we find out soon!). So, I left after about a half hour or so.

3) Since Scho Bo was over, Jasleena and I went to her house. We ate food and then studied for Euro. She also curled my hair :P But, I had to shower that night, so... it didn't last :\

4) I took my AP euro test yesterday. It was on the Sci. Rev. and the Enlightenment. I think I did badly :( There were so many questions that I couldn't decide what was the right answer! I hate it when you're debating over two. Anyways, I don't want to see what I got!

5) Also regarding AP Euro. We took the test today while all her other classes took it last week. SO we are behind. We have an ENTIRE chapter to read for next class! And its 27 pages! AND NOTES! grr :( Well I guess that's what we get for having a whole weekend to study for the test. :(

6) I'm eating a breakfast bar for breakfast! you know, the homemade one with the cranberries and chocolate chips? yumm :D

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bball+Mall+Food+Movies=Good Weekend!

So when I heard mom talking to you on the phone, I was like noooo! Because she was telling you all the things I was going to tell you in my post! LOL. Anyways, here we go!
1) On Friday night, I went to Schaumburg's basketball game to play in the pep band with Maira and Rina. And Sammi and Meghan came too (not to play, but to watch). So I split up my time hanging out with them. Afterwards, Sammi and Rina came over and we just talked for a while. It was really fun!

2) Today, mom and I went out shopping, out to eat, then to a movie. We first went to the mall. I got most of my present for my "secret santa" (sammi's having a party next weekend). I got jewelry and bath and body works.. it doesn't seem like much, but I almost spent the budget on it. After the mall, we went to Potbellys (yum!). THEN, we went to the Picture Show Theatre ($1.75 for a ticket) and saw The Help, which mom already told you about. Lol it was good!

3) Lastly, we had Chinese for dinner. Not my favorite, but still pretty good.

That is all! Sunday update (on time) later today!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Yeah yeah, I know this is THURSDAY'S post, but I still said TGIF in the heading.. I just wanted to say it XD Second post back, still getting into the swing of things! :) Here we goooo!
1) So on Wednesday after school we had a Euro Review Session. It was the first one I attended the whole time. But a lot of people didn't come for some reason.. Did she have review sessions when you were taking the class, too?
2) We put up the christmas tree! I saw in in the window when I was getting off the bus yesterday and my expression was :O. I ran into the house, I was so happy! ^_^ Then we decorated it that night. Ooh, and the new arrangement of the living room looks sooo good! It's the best arrangement we've had yet! :)
3) I've had a new favorite breakfast recently- a burnt bagel with butter. It's weird, but so good! I'm eating one right now ^_^

Well, that's all for now! New post on *drumroll* saturday!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Post Back!

Hola, readers! I've missed you! I need to catch my bus soon, so I'll make it quick :)

1) So where we eat dinner is different now. we now eat in the kitchen. It's a bit weird, but I guess it's easier for mom to deal with the dishes and everything!

2) Monday after school, Scholastic Bowl was canceled... so I went to the publications office and just worked on my yearbook page until 5:30 ^_^

3) Yesterday after school (after SAVE club and math tutoring) I was waiting for the bus. But it was sooo late! Like 15 minutes late. and I thought I missed it but everyone else was waiting for it too. FINALLY it came! I was happy :D

Well, new post tomorrow! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Posts, Tests, Articles...


1) So on Wednesday we took our AP Euro test on Absolutism. Right when I walked in I had a bad feeling because we had a sub >.< I remember in elementary school, I loved subs. But now I don't like them because we don't get the work done, then do it for Hw. In this situation that wasn't the case, but he couldn't help us out like Mrs. Johansson usually does... Oh well. We ended up getting 10 extra minutes to work on it because he passed out the wrong scantrons! (Which was actually a good thing :P!). And the outline question (I can't believe we're this far in the year and STILL doing outlines >.<) was one I had practiced the night before so I was happy. We find out our grades today! *crosses fingers*

2) We got back our math tests today. Second best in the class! *happy dance*

3) After school, I went to PALS, then went to Newspaper until 5:30. I worked on my NHS article, and actually got it done! Yay! I hope it's good >.<

Gotta get ready for school... See ya! :)

No School Monday, Bridges, Inductions

Blog update for Tuesday!

1) So I had no school Monday, which was nice. :D I didn't really do much that day though... but it was relaxing! Friday off, the weekend, monday off, and late start tuesday = pretty awesome weekend!

2) In Gifted, we've still been working on our bridge. We haven't started the construction yet, but we're getting there. Still trying to figure out the filtering system and how the bridge will be anchored yet still float.

3) Tuesday night was the NHS Induction Night. I was getting quotes for yearbook, pictures for yearbook, and interviews for my Newspaper article. At first I was nervous, but then I got over that. I interviewed tons of students, the sponsors for the club, and a lot of teachers, and the principal! They had lots of good things to say. And this was a conversation between Mr. Ahn and I..
Ahn: Are you a Tanaka?
Me: Yeah
Other Teacher: How'd you figure that out so fast?
Ahn: She just has this Tanaka-like insanity about her.. it's in her eyes...
Me: o.O *confused*

haha! He's awesome though! I want to have him as my teacher sooo badly! :P

Well, that's all for Tuesday's post! Next is Thursday's!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

need to start doing posts earlier.. =P

Hello! I really need to start making my posts earlier in the day... I want to wait until last minute so then I can include the most exciting things that happen throughout my day, but then I find that more often then not, I end up not doing it until the next day. But I am getting it in time this time, so yayy!

1) Dad, Mom, and I went to church today. The message was good! But I've heard it before. The main message was "If you can dream it, you can achieve it" and "take time to breathe/relax". Definitely good messages! :)

2) I went to the library today with my friend to study for Euro. Let me just say it was very unproductive :\ I don't know why, it was just gloomy outside and I didn't feel like studying at all! All I felt like doing was reading a book or watching a movie... Sigh... Hopefully I can pull my act together and get down to some serious studying tomorrow!

3) Mom and I watched Slumdog Millionaire. It was On Demand for free! It was a really sad, but really good movie. Have you seen it?

Well, that's all for now, folks! All in all, good way to wrap up the weekend. :D Update on Tuesday! Bye!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tip Tappin' Away on iPod Touch (;

So it's Saturday night, and I'm typing this on my iPod so sorry if there are some mistakes! Hope it's alright, though!

1) today was a very chill day. I just read my book and did some homework.. Nothing too special =P

2) I made sukiyaki for dinner tonight. Saturday tradition! :D

3) after dinner, me and mom went to Jo-Anns. She wanted to get patterns because there was this deal to get each for $1. So I got one too! I want to make a bag. I hope it's not too hard! Mom said she would help me. Then we went and tried to get a movie from red box, but they didn't really have anything.. Then I came home and studied euro for like 10 minutes, lol!

Well that's all for now! I really hope thi will post!

How Do I Get So Late!?!?!

So starting off, want to say that I'm super duper sorry.. AGAIN. :\ Here we go, for Thursday's post!

1) So SINCE I was late, I'm going to include things that happened on Friday as well. ^_^ So I had no school on Friday for veteran's day, and for band we marched at the Police Station for the Veteran's parade thing. It was really good. The speeches they gave were really sad but really inspiring at the same time. We played God Bless America, God Bless the USA, and Salute to America's Finest. Though it was really cold, it was well worth it!

2) I went to the mall with Sammi and Rina on Friday. It was fun, but SUPER CROWDED! And you know how you said before "Oh, you never run into people at the mall, it's so big"? Well, that is a lie! I think I set the record for how many people I ran into. As I sit here counting, I believe I ran into 8 people (And no, they weren't all in one group =P).

3) Lately, I've been getting into the Christmas-y mood. I love this time of year :D. It snowed on Thursday, radios are starting to play Christmas music, all the stores are getting Christmas decorated (but I must say, it's pretty early to be doing that- it's not even Thanksgiving yet! I swear, they're getting earlier and earlier each year... *shakes head*). But I can't wait to make christmas cookies, go sledding, the whole sha-bang! :D We should make a list of what we will do this winter break (like we did for summer!). Oh, and what do you want for Christmas?

ON TIME update later today for Saturday! Bye!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Writing this while brushing my teeth!

Hey, so I'm getting ready for bed and I knew that I needed to update! This is a late Tuesday post, I'm terribly sorry! But better late then never, so here we go!

1) In Gifted, as I probably mentioned before, we are making a bridge. So we have our basic concept down (we're working in groups). We want to make a bridge out of recycled material (pop cans, wrappers, etc), and include a water filter system underneath. It takes the water from the lake below, filters it, and have it "waterfall" / "cascade" back in. Then we want to have lights (powered by wind energy) so shine through to make the water look colorful. Then on the railing of the bridge, have ivy grow around it, and then on the inside of the "wall" have people of the community who helped contribute (by donating their cans and wrappers) sign the wall. Yeah, it's pretty complicated and it's probably not going to turn out exactly like this, but it's our goal. (: What do you think?

2) In Chemistry, we played a review game before taking a quiz. It was a maze on this big sheet full of sqaures with different ionic or covalent compounds written on it. We had to step on the right square and "translate" the compound. Whichever team made it through the entire maze first got extra credit on the quiz! And guess which team won? :P

3) I think I broke my record for the longest time brushing my teeth. It's been like 10 minutes, no joke! LOL I better go now. :) Bye!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Back!

As I sat here, doing my AP Euro homework, I realized I needed to update the blog! And I wasn't about to be late again! Here we go~

1) As you know, today we changed the clocks, and gain an hour! I love this time of year :D It WOULD be 10 right now, but it's actually 9! I haven't changed my watch yet, but I want to keep it regular time for as long as I can because then I get happy when I look and realize that I actually have more time than I thought, haha!

2) Went to the library today with my friend. It was fun! We got some stuff done, like our math and chemistry homework. The library has become like my second home now.

3) I ate scalloped potatoes today for dinner. I realized that that's my favorite form of potatoes :D So good!

Well, that's all for now. I'll talk to you on Tuesday!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm sorry I'm late- BIG SIX!

1) First off, I finished that episode of "An American Life" about middle school. It was really good and funny and interesting xD LOL I was laughing when the dad called his son's friend's parents and called the kid "evan" instead of "devan" or something. haha and I was on the bus, too! Anyways, I'm going to download the next one when it comes out.

2) Last night I went shopping to get my friend a present, because her birthday party is today. We are going to a restaurant and then to a pottery place. I got her a scarf and two necklaces, and I really want to do this sentimental gift with a photo frame but the stupid photo printer isn't working becuase I can't find the camera cord! Ughh so I now I don't know what to do.. Well, I have 4 hours to figure something out. =P

3) In English, we are starting to read the tragedy of Julius Caesar. It is pretty interesting so far. But I hate how Shakespeare is so hard to understand sometimes! But I think it will get better.

4) On Thursday night, I went to help usher for the fall play for theater guides. The play was "Twelve Angry Jurors" (based on 12 angry men). But, they had girls in it so they needed to change the name. Have you ever read the book? It was really good, except I was so tired that night I was struggling to stay awake >.<

5) Today I got to sleep in ^_^ I was happy because I don't like waking up early :[ hehe, I woke up at 9 -ish.

6) As you can probably tell from my last point, I'm running out of stuff to talk about! Uhmmm... I emailed you the pictures! Sorry I was late. Anyways, go check your email if you haven't already! =]

ON TIME update tomorrow! (:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Park that pumps water...?

It's Tuesday, which means the day of a blog update! Here we gooo!

1) Yesterday was Halloween! I went trick or treating with Sammi and Rina and Sammi's sisters and brother. It was fun and I got a lot of candy! The best part was after everyone else left/went home, and it was just me and Sammi trick or treating at like 7:30. There was no one else out and it was dark outside, so people gave us handfuls of candy because they were trying to get rid of it! We got so much in those 20 minutes or so! It was awesome ^_^ I was a cat =^_^=

2) Today in Gifted, our next assignment is to build a bridge or house. It has to be "beautiful" and be able to make it through putting weights on it and hard weather. We also watched this video on bio-mimicry and about this one park where when kids play on the swings, it pumps water or generates electricity at the same time! Isn't that awesome? and by the way, all the videos we watch are usually from Ted Conference. :D It made me think of you! Do you still watch videos from there?

3) In math, we got our tests back and I got the best score out of the class! I was happy ^_^ I got a 61/60.

Hope you are well! I miss you! Excited to read your post later!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Send the Pig.

Hey! So it's Sunday and I don't want to forget to update, so even though it's not the end of the day, I'm going to update anyways. I don't think anything too exciting will happen in the next few hours, and if something does happen, I'll tell you in my Tuesday post!

1) So yesterday was Marisa's party. There was a lot of yummy food and we just hung out and talked. Then, we watched Winnie the Pooh. I started laughing a little longer than everyone else when Piglet said "send the pig". xD It made me think of you. I left sort of early (8-ish) because I was tired and really hadn't been home much all weekend. I got home, PLANNING to do homework, but just didn't feel like it and went to sleep at 9.

2) This morning, I took a shower and had coffee cake for breakfast. You know, the kind in the long, aluminum rectangular box? With a strip of cream cheese in the middle? Yup, it was good ^_^

3) And I've just been doing homework all day... Sigh.. Pretty boring. I still need to finish AP Euro and do my Chemistry homework. But I wanted a break!

Hope your day is going well. Today's been a pretty chill day, like most Sundays. I'll check in again on Tuesday (:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gettin' Into the Halloween Spirit!

Hello! It's the weekend- yay! This is my first time being home since yesterday before school :O Let's gooo!

1) So after school on Friday, I went to Sammi's house. It was fun because I haven't seen her in forever! We went to Subway for dinner. Then, her mom dropped us off at SHS to go to their play. It was like a collection of short horror stories- Edgar Allen Poe, the Most Dangerous Game, etc. It was actually pretty good! I enjoyed it. Plus, I ran into maira and meghan so that was good ^_^

2) After that, it was like 10 PM. So mom picked us up, dropped sammi back home, and mom took me to my friend Jasleena's house to sleepover. We made chocolate chip cookies and watched Paranormal Activity 2. I was falling asleep because I was so tired. It wasn't that scary, but it was pretty good.

3) THEN this morning at like 9, we went to a day care to help out with their halloween event. It's for kids with down syndrome. We volunteered for like 3 hours, helping set up and then clean up. The kids were so adorable! One girl kept hugging me ^_^ So cute <3

In about 3 hours, I'm going to go to Marisa's house for her Halloween Party! Should be fun!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Munchin' on an Apple...

Hello, cyberworld! I was munching on my apple and... I thought it would be a good idea to write my blogpost for thursday in the morning because I'm going to be busy later with schol and the halloween event and homework. So, better early than late, right? At least, in most cases ;)

1) In Gifted yesterday, we played the last two games. One was sort of like Risk, and the other was this fantasy type game where you are a certain element, and throughout the whole game you try to accumulate points and are working against each other. But by the end, you realize that you need to unite to be able to conquer the master of evil (or some enemy like that). So your element can bond with other elements and things like that. They were fun! Except now, we need to write a paper about our "growth" and what we learned from the games next class... >.< Not so fun!

2) This Satuday, I'm going to Marisa's halloween party. That should be fun :) I'm excited for that! I'll tell you more about that on Saturday's post, of course!

3) Today, Sammi called me to invite me to go with her to Schaumburg's play. I'm glad she called me :) That's on Friday, and I'm excited~

Well this was a blog post talking a lot about the past and future.. Haha, new post Saturday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Blog Post With a Nonexisting Intro.


1) Today in Euro, we had an anchor dates test (easy!) and essay (sorta easy). Plus, we got back our tests from last time. I got an 85% :\ barely an A, but it's still good. Did she curve grades for your class when you were taking Euro, too?

2) I stayed after school until 5:30 working for yearbook. It was fun! I'm working on the homecoming coronation and homecoming football game. The title is "a Moment in the Spotlight". So cheesy.. haha!

3) For dinner, we had that spinach chicken, squash, salad, and rice. It was yummy. ^_^


Monday, October 24, 2011

Wow, how did that happen?

I don't know what happened, but I some how skipped Sunday! And I was doing so well. >.<

1) On Sunday, I went to the library and got some books. I got some historical fiction books, an adventure book, and one fantasy book. I want to read them, but I'm so busy I don't feel like I have time >.< Maybe over this weekend!

2) Found out that Sanette isn't coming home for Thanksgiving... *sad* This is going to be the first without her here with us! Well, at least she'll be with Donna.. But it won't be the same. We should still go Black Friday shopping, though. :)

3) I know this didn't happen on Sunday, but I'm going to share anyways. Tonight we had a band concert! We played our music from the football games in the gym for the parents. One person fainted right in front of me :O It was so hot in the gym, especially with our uniforms on! Besides that, it went pretty well.

Well, that's all for now! Bye!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm sorry for all these blog posts that aren't "blog posts". But this is too amazing to pass up.

And that was a really long title!
You might think it's ridiculous to make ANOTHER SEPARATE post about this but...

On the fishy screen above this, click on the water.
Did you do it?
Did you press it?
That's pretty cool. :D
sidenote: this didn't count as one of my "big three", regular blog posts!
sidesidenote: This is going to be really unimpressive to you if you've already known about this -_-

Yaks and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Greetings, readers! To start off, I feel like I did a title similar to this before.. Oh well! And secondly, you'll find out why I changed the "lions" to yaks as you keep reading ;)

1) Last night was our last marching band night at the football games! We were playing Fremd, and lost (big surprise!). But we DID get a touchdown (surprise)! It was fun, but super cold. Our marching band concert in the gym for the parents is on Monday.

2) Today, Honomi and I went to the pumpkin farm for this church outing thing. It was a little awkward, but it made Dad happy. We saw a lot of animals, like yaks (title!), bears, monkeys, and even lions! They had a baby white tiger and it was so sleepy and cute. I wanted to take him home (as long as he wasn't vicious, haha).

3) Afterwards, we got Jimmy Johns. It made me think of last last summer when we got them for a dollar, then ate at the gazebo. :) Fun times!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hey! So I don't have much time today, so I'm going to make this post pretty quick!

1) Today in Gifted we went to the computer lab to start mind-mapping our project ideas. I'm still debating between...
Reform of Education
Ecofriendly Urban Planning
Game Theory

Sigh... still thinking!
2) I stayed after school for a PALS Hope meeting. We are making games for the community halloween event! The kids will look so cute! I'm doing Twister.

3) I need to finish writing my English essay.. It's a persuasive essay, and I'm writing it about how people have the power to persuade others. Wish me luck, it's due tomorrow! Plus I have a Euro test >.<

Talk to you soon~

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Silver Fishy, Red Fishy, Green Fishy, Blue Fishy...

 *eyes dart back and forth*
Every time I go onto my blog page I get distracted by those little fish swimming around. But today it was really bad- I stared at it for like 5 minutes. and I was going to close the window, then I remembered what I was supposed to be doing! Haha, here we goooo!

1) Today was Tuesday, which means... it was a late start! I got to sleep in until 8 :O It was great. And I actually ATE BREAKFAST! :O A bagel and grape juice and an apple. Late starts are just a great start to a day in general. :)

2) Today in Gifted we played our game! Remember how I was telling you about the Hill Game? Well, that didn't exactly work out, but we sort of changed it a bit and instead of doing it on a hill we just made an obstacle course in the hallway. There were some problems with the game, but overall I think it went pretty well. I hope our teacher liked it.

3) And here, for the best part of my day... *drumroll* I got a 91% on my math test!! And with test corrections it's a 94%! *happy dance* Yay that totally made my day because I thought I was going to get a C or a low B on it. Yay yay yay!

I hope you are doing well. And by the way, how do I get onto the hardrive to send you the pictures?

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I just remembered you telling me last time to change the settings so you don't have to put in the word verification every time you comment! So I just changed it, and let me know if it works now!

New High Record!?

The weekend is coming to an end... :( Well, it's late, and I have testing tomorrow for the PLAN and still have homework to do... :O Let's get into it!

1) Dad, Mom, and I went to Church today. It was nice because we haven't been there in a while. Everything is very different because Jario and Leena are the new pastors. Everything has a more younger gen. vibe to it. It was good though!

2) I went to the library today for 8 and a half hours. I think that's a new record. I did homework by myself for a bit, then met up with a friend. We spent a lot of time just talking though.. Haha, so I guess some of that studying time didn't technically count!

3) Then, I came home and took a shower. Sorry this third point is sort of boring. Lol, but that's literally like all I did today!

I don't want to go to school tomorrow! Anyways, I'll talk to you on Tuesday!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Original Turkey on Wheat, Please!

Hello! Happy weekend :D Let's get right into it!

1) This morning, I went to Japanese. It was the first time I've been there in weeks (due to Tennis, I always had practice or tournaments on saturday mornings so I was never able to go to Japanese). I think today was my last time going, because I didn't sign up for the proficiency test in time. :\ I have mixed feelings.. I enjoyed going, learning and seeing my friends, but it was sort of expensive and the test isn't even for college credit. I'm glad I at least tried it though. And I'll never lose the foundation- I'll definitely take Japanese in college!

2) I went to Potbellys for lunch today! It was so yummmy! I haven't been there in a long time. My sandwich was nice and warm. ^_^ What are your favorite casual places to eat? My top three are Panera, Potbellys, and Chipotle. :D Just thinking about it makes me hungry!

3) Went to the mall with mom. I exchanged some of my birthday gifts from my friends. We spent a couple hours there. It was pretty fun! Mom found a dress for $5- pretty good deal!

Excited to read your Sat. blog post, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

From Pizza, to Math, to Newspaper...

It's late, but it's still technically Thursday!

1) I feel like that last update was ages ago, when in reality it was merely hours. We had a free day in gym today, so that was pretty nice. We went to the bike room and walked around and played badminton. :D

2) After school today, I was running around a lot. First I went to tell Newspaper that I would be late, and then I went to my math room to tell THEM I was going to be late (there was a study/help session going on for math), then I went to the tennis pizza party. I felt bad though because I only stayed for like, 10 minutes before rushing to math. THEN, after like 10 minutes (the pizza took a lot longer to come than expected), I ran to the publications office for newspaper and stayed late to work on my article. I'm planning to email it in by tomorrow. Busy day today!

3) I have a math test tomorrow which I'm super nervous for! I think I'm going to go to math tutoring tomorrow for some last minute help before the test 4th Block. *crosses fingers* wish me luck!

Update on Saturday

The first blog post back!

Hello! We miss you already!

1) I took the PSAT yesterday. It was... well, i didnt study at all, and some of it was hard. But itwas only practice so its ok!

2) I went home on the 3 o'clock bus for the second time this year! It was good though. because I had a lot of euro reading piling up so i caught up now.

3) We had Mapo (Mobu xD) Tofu last night! Yum! When you don't know what to say.. Talk about food! Haha!

Update later today!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

No-More-Tennis Thursday


1) Yesterday was the last day of tennis. It felt weird not heading to the locker room right after school today.. I'm actually kind of sad that it's over. I never thought I'd say that xD

2) Now that Tennis is over, I have time to go to my clubs! There was a PALS hope meeting today. We are organizing the Halloween event for the little kids in our community. So we brainstormed what games to create. I learned that little kids can get amused by anything.. And they look so cute in costumes! I'm excited!

3) After PALS, I rushed to Newspaper. I'm writing for sports this month.. Doing Varsity volleyball profiles. I just finished writing my questions that I'll ask the girls. Hopefully I can interview them soon- stories are due next week!

Anyways, now I have to go study for my French quiz. Now, I don't have to say "update on Saturday", but instead "I'll see you on Friday (aka tomorrow! ahh! :D). By the way, since both you and Sanette will be home, I was thinking we should go to the Art Museum! I have a free family pass that expires on December 31st, 2011 so I want to use it by then. Anyways, I think that would be fun and we should go. :D Tell me what you think!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday Tennis

T-T-T-Tuesday update!

1) Had a Euro test today. I don't know how I did.. It was pretty hard.. We find out next class! It was on the Reformation.

2) Day 1 of tennis conference! We played Mount Prospect and lost >.< But we play again tomorrow. Our coach then drove us back to Hoffman. ^_^ I didn't even know they allow teachers to do that.. I thought you had to be a licensed bus driver to drive students. Haha, anyways, it was a fun car ride because we had like 10 people in the van.

3) Mom got mad at me AGAIN today.. sigh.. I'll tell you more about it later. Basically she said it's embarassing to her that I keep losing in tennis, and that im representing the tanaka family and if I can't even do well in tennis I might as well not try. (almost word for word what she said, no joke). I'll call you soon and tell you more..

Even despite that, my day was good. Hope yours was too <3

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sashimi Sunday


1) In the morning, I helped clean the house a bit. My room is now finally (somewhat) clean! Yay!

2) I ate sashimi for lunch ^_^ I feel like I mentioned eating sashimi for lunch in some other blog post too... LOL! Anyways, it was yummy!

3) I went to the library and studied for Euro with a friend. The test is tomorrow, and I still feel uneasy... >.<

Hope your weekend was good! Talk to you soon!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Darn, missed by two minutes...

I have 6 minutes left! I can do this!

1) I was SUPPOSED to have a tennis game at 7 this morning. So I got there, and the coach was outside and said they rescheduled the game to 9. >.< So Dad have to drive me back home, then Ben got mad at me for making him wake up to drive me back... When I got there, NO ONE from JV was there except one girl.. So we ended up having to play 4th doubles for varsity. We lost >.< It was 2-6, 1-6. Even though we lost, it was nice getting to play Varsity for our very last game this year. (:

2) Tonight was Hoffman's homecoming. Marisa and Cassidy came over, and we got ready. It was pretty fun, I was just really tired, because yesterday I was at school from 6 AM-11 PM.. >.> Then I had to wake up for tennis that ended up being rescheduled. But it was still fun!! It was decorated really prettily. :D

3) Afterwards, we went to IHOP. It was yummy. ^_^ But I wasn't that hungry so all I got were mozzarella sticks. And then, I came back home and am now writing this blog post !

I miss you a lot! I can't wait until this weekend! Are you coming Friday or Saturday?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Munch Munch Crunch

Right now, as I munch on my pizza, I will write up my Thursday blog post (:

1) We finally got our tennis shirts today! We were, ideally, supposed to get them before school started... :\ Yeah, that didn't work out.. They look nice at least. But, the season ends next week! Oh well, I'm glad we finally got them :D

2) In math, I got the third highest grade on the test in the class! I got a pencil ^_^ Yayy!

3) Tomorrow is the Friday before homecoming! That means decorated hallways, coronation (aka getting out of class EARLY!! :D), the football game... This also means going to school at 6 for marching band in the morning, and staying at school until 11 for marching band at night. It's going to be a long day, but it should be fun (:

Can't wait until next weekend!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On time.. For Once!

Hello!! I'm actually on time! I'm so sorry about being late on posts- I'll really try to be more on top of it from now on. Starting today! >: D

1) Yesterday, I didn't have practice due to the rain so I came home at 3. It felt so weird... It was the first time I went on a bus home other than the 5:30 one. But I had so much extra time! I didn't utilize it well though xD

2) In gifted, our next project is to design a bridge! It needs to be "beautiful" and strong enough to sustain weight. Sigh.. so many projects in that class. I don't even know how to start :\

3) It's homecoming week this week! That means spirit days. Guess what they are?
Monday: Mummy Day (lame.. esp. since it was raining hard that day, I only saw two people dress up)
Tuesday: Cartoon Day
Wednesday: Crazy Day
Thursday: 80s Day
Friday: HEHS Spirit Day
I'll probably just dress up for Friday. Haha!

Update on Thursday!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sa-Sa-Sunday :)

Hola! Quick update on Sunday (:

1) Mom and Dad picked me up from Sammi's and we went to church. It was our trinity's turn to prepare lunch, so we made curry and salad. It actually tasted better than it usually tastes ;).

2) Since I didn't do any of my homework on Saturday, I devoted Sunday to doing my B day stuff. It was good to get it done!

3) Dad caught an opposum.. it reminded me of Elliot! Mom's not so happy... :O

Update on Tuesday!

Busy Busy Saturday!

Saturday was a very eventful day! Let's get into it :D

1) We had tennis Saturday morning. It was actually only an hour because we conditioned inside instead of playing outside (due to the rain). It was more exercise than we usually do in tennis (hehe), but it was good because it was shorter. :D

2) I went to Japanese! I hadn't been there in forever due to tennis tournaments and practice. Only me and Sammi could go, though. But it was good. I have a lot of work to make up, though!

3) I went to homecoming Saturday night at Schamburg! It was really fun! It was sort of last minute that I went, and I wore the same dress as last year's homecoming. It was still good though. I ended up sleeping over at Sammi's that night.

Next update is talking about Sunday!

Friday, September 23, 2011

OH my gosh!

Oh my gosh! I typed a whole post on my ipod, and I thought I posted it yesterday, but it didn't post! >: ( Well, yesterday was a pretty good day.. Let's get into it!

1) We got back the multiple choice part of our AP euro test, and I got a 95%! Me and my friend got the exact same score, and we were the highest grade in the class. :D But we didn't get the outlines back yet, and I know I did badly on that...

2) In tennis, we have "big sister little sister", where an older person is assigned to a younger person, and on game days you're supposed to buy them food, make signs saying good luck, etc. Okay so today was a game, and I completely forgot to get my "sister" something. So at lunch I just bought her a small bag of goldfish. But she brought me a whole goodie bag full of food and candy! I felt so horrible. I don't even want to eat it now because it's like I'm eating a bag of guilt. >.< On monday we have another game, and I'm totally going to make it up to her!

3) Lastly, we got Lou Malnati's for dinner! Yumm!

I'm out~

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tests and Tennis

Hi! :D While I'm waiting for my bagel to crisp (toast?), I'll update! Starting from bad to good!

1) I took my Euro test! It was so nervewracking! We had to do an outline and thesis, and only had 5 minutes! I barely finished. And it was really disorganized and sloppy! >.< BUT, I did get the extra credit question! I'll let you know how the test went on Thursday's blog.

2) Tennis against Schaumburg! But we lost, 0-6, 3-6. Last year, we totally creamed them! But then again, that was the freshman team.. This year it was JV. Sigh.. But it's okay! Next time!

3) I just realized I wrote a lot of exclaimation points. So in this point, I won't. (: I might go to schaumburg's homecoming, if I can turn in the paperwork and get signatures in time! It's this Friday or Saturday.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Two men are arrested...


1) On sunday, I went to the library for 7 hours! I met up with 3 friends and we worked on math, chem, and euro. It was good. But, as always, when I work with a group sometimes I get distracted. But I still got stuff done!

2) I had Sashimi for dinner. I used to hate it, but now I like it! Yummy!

3) I talked to my brother on the phone last night. We talked about Game theory, divorce, riddles, and more... It was good talking to him!

Well, I'm out! (Gotta go to school!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Doughnuts, Tennis, Chem

Hey! First off, I apologize to one of my readers out there.. I was doing my math homework last night and fell asleep. I didn't even know you were on the phone until mom came in and told me.. And I thought I was dreaming... im sorry! I called you yesterday like at 5, so i guess you were returning my call? Want to talk tonight? I swear I'll be awake this time!

Anyways, here we go!

1) We had a tennis tournament at Lake Park yesterday. It was a quad, so there were 4 schools there- Hoffman, Lake Park, Conant, and Leydan. I thought it was home at first, but I got panicked because I didn't see anyone out there at 7:45. So I was just wondering outside. Finally, my coach found me. It was a bit embarassing, but oh well! He bought us all doughnuts too :D

2) Me and my partner are JV first doubles, and we lost all 3 games... :( but at least we improved with each game! Here were the scores-
Conant- 1-6, 0-6 (pretty bad)
Leydan- 4-6, 2-6 (still lost, but better!)
Lake Park- 7-5, 0-6, tiebreaker was 7-10 (even though we lost, we still split (we won one set, they won the second set), so I was happy! If we only got 3 more points in the tiebreaker, we would have won.. But oh well!)
We are versing Schaumburg this week, and I hope we win! :D

3) After I got home, I went to the library to study for Chem. I planned to stay until it closed, which I thought was at 10, but it actually closed at 5. :( But that's ok- I think i'm gonna be going there again to study with my study group for AP euro later.

I'll update later today for Sunday's post!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oh yeah, I'll tell you something...

You already know a bit of what happened today, but I'm just going to focus on the positive stuff for now :) Let's get into the "big 3"!

1) We had a half day today! Which means double the fun! :D The day went by super fast so it was awesome. :D Plus, I didn't have tennis today so I got home pretty early. Except for...

2) we had band practice after school, but only for like an hour. We practiced with the 8th graders because we have to march for the football game tomorrow night. We are playing Iron Man, Hawaii Five-Oh, La Bamba, and I Want to Hold Your Hand. The last one is stuck in my head!

3) In Gifted today, we got into small groups and we need to create our own game. It can be a physical game, a board game, a card game, whatever you want it to be. And it needs to have a moral/some sort of educational purpose. Afterwards, our class is going to play it and everyone needs to participate. The possibilities are endless. So far, all we have is something like, we go outside to this one hill. The goal is to make it to the top of the hill. Every man is for himself. But everyone else is trying to keep that person from getting to the top. But in the end, the only solution is to somehow work together.. We need to throw more obstacles in there, like maybe a wall? and blindfolds? The idea's still hazy.. but it has potential, I think.

Hope you had a good day today. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Common Unity

Hola! Let's get into the big 2+1-0+4-2+1-3 :D

1) We went on a Gifted field trip today! We went to an organic farm. At first I thought it was going to be pretty boring, but it was actually really awesome. It's based on a community farm, so when you buy your fruits in vegetables it's not like you pay per pound, but pay a certain amount for that season, and then every week you go and can get your own vegetables. It's like you OWN part of that farm.

2) we first took a tour, and the very first thing they told us was about their bathrooms. They even use human waste as fertilizer. This may seem gross, but it's cool how they explained it. Basically, human waste has nitrogen in it, and when you use the bathroom it goes right into this huge bucket. but when you go you also throw in a handful of these wood shavings that have carbon in it. The nitrogen and carbon together help break the excretion down and keeps it from smelling. We learned a lot of other cool stuff, and as we went on the tour our guide let us just pick any fruit or vegetable we wanted as we walked. So people were randomly picking tomatoes, and peppers, etc. The blueberries were delicious!

3) After school, we had a game against Palatine. We lost D: Gahh, I'm starting to get frustrated with tennis! we keep losing! There's only 2 more weeks in the season, at least. I don't think I'm doing tennis next year, though. I want to spend my time doing other stuff!

Hope you're doing well! And are you coming home over Columbus day too?? Because Sanette is coming home that weekend!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chilling on a Sunday

Hello! Sundays are always my chilled out, stay at home days... At least they have been recently!

1) Boring, but just did my homework today. I got a lot done at least, so that's good! I like it getting it done on the weekend instead of the weekdays where it's even more hectic.

2) Me and mom had to drive to walgreens and I ran up to drop off the Redbox movie, and I couldn't figure out how to return it for like 10 minutes I was just standing there. Lol ok maybe 5. It was funny though people were probably wondering what was wrong xD. Ahh, redbox is interesting...

3) One of the best things about parties- the day after! The house is clean and we have all this yummy food. :D Yay!

Gah, back to school tomorrow.. :(

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm 13 minutes late!?

It's 12:13 am, and I'm 13 minutes off. UGH!

1) today was my birthday party! It was a lot of fun! We went to sweet tomatoes, then came back home. We went on the trampoline, played ping pong, and watched a movie. It was really nice seeing everyone all together again :D

2) Because I had a birthday party today, I had to clean all day up until the party started. Especially since we didn't even start cleaning until Friday night. >.< We are such procrastinators, but hey, at least we got everything done on time!

3) I spent a lot of time this morning making bracelets for my friends. I made 9, and each one takes like an hour to make.. so you can figure out how much time it took! But they all turned out good and it was worth the time. (:

overall, i had a great day! How was yours? update tomorrow!

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Friday, Friday...

Hey! Let's get into the big three, shall we? :D

1) Yesterday it was super nice out! It was windy, my favorite kind of weather. :) The only bad thing was during tennis, the balls kept going everywhere. But we need to know how to play in those sort of conditions, so I guess it was a good thing. :P

2) My birthday celebration/party with my friends is tomorrow! I'm sort of worried because it's Friday, and we still haven't really done anything yet.. Gahh I've just been so busy with school and tennis and homework that I haven't been able to clean! But after I get home today.... >: D We'll get serious!!

3) We had mostacholli for dinner last night. It made me think of you!

 Excited to read your post!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Chilly Day, Perfect for a Bowl of Chili

 Haha, I really want chili....
It's only been a day, and I miss you (you know who you are) already!

1) Another tennis match today. Against wheeling! I lost 3-6, 1-6. :\ But we are slowly getting better! So I was actually okay with our score. We'll get them next time >: D

2) We did an in class writing of the Crucible today in English. The prompt was how does the alienation of one character (you can choose which character to write about) show the morals and values of his/her surrounding society? I said John Proctor because his ability to speak his mind and be the voice of justice is such an abnormality in the hysteric town. I was the last person writing by the end of the block >.< lol!

3) My finger picking has gotten really bad lately... I really need to stop! It's just so hard! >.< But I don't know why, today they've been hurting more than usual! Just washing my hands hurts. How do you think I should break this habit? What are YOUR worst habits?

I'll talk to you on Thursday. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's hot hot hot!

Hello! ^_^ I didn't want to be late on my post again, so I'm making sure I get this one done today :D

1) I had my first Euro test today. I don't think I did that well... I was mad at myself because I didn't write down the extra credit answer... If she had worded it a bit differently, I would have gotten it.. Oh well, I can't really make up an excuse xD We find out our grade next class, though!

2) We were supposed to have a tennis match today, but all outdoor sports got canceled because of the heat! I'm sort of happy though  because I got to come home early!

3) Since I didn't have tennis, I went to the first newspaper meeting. I think I might do newspaper this year. Mrs. Carroll is the head of newspaper, and she's also my english teacher!

I'm super duper excited for one of you readers out there to come home on friday! :D yayy!
Bye! ^_^

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The sun is shining!

Hi! Sorry this post is up the morning after Thursday :( I accidentally fell asleep doing homework.. And woke up at 4 to finish. I always try to do my posts at night (after the day's almost over) but I'll try doing it earlier!
1) yesterday was my birthday! Sorry I missed your call. Me and mom were at the library. Call me back tonight! My day was ok, not too special because I had school and everything.. But it was good! Esther decorated my locker, jasleena gave me cupcakes and Saba made me a card :)

2) tennis match against mount prospect yesterday! Lost 1-6, 0-6 :( we'll get em next time..

3) wondering why I'm writing this post on a Wednesday morning at 8:25? Mom let me skip first block because I only got 3-4 hours of sleep. XD

I gotta go to school! See you!

Monday, August 29, 2011

studying it up on sunday!

I spent most of the day doing homework.. Oh well, at least I got most of it done!

1) Mom and Dad came home from their camping trip today! They said they had a great time, so that was good to hear. They said the other people in the Camping Club who went had fun as well. It's good to have them back!

2) I spent all day in my pajamas. ^_^ Haha, I wasn't even planning on doing that, but before I knew it it was 5 and I was just like, I'm not going to bother to change. It was relaxing though!

3) I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling kind of sick lately.. Not bad enough to rest, but it's not like a cold or anything... I've just been feeling weak lately and my stomach and head occasionally hurt. >.< Hopefully I get better!

Anyways, today was a pretty chill day. How was yours? (:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I can't think of a title.

(I'm so creative, I know. (; )
Hi, my readers! I love how I say that plural-y, even though I think there's only one reader out there... It would be funny if there were more. xD Well, it's Saturday, and you all know what that means! New update! Let's go~

1) I had tennis this morning from 9-11, and I actually had a lot of fun! I think it was the most fun practice so far. I still need to improve a lot, but we played games pretty much the whole time, and that's the best part. The girls who I was playing with were fun to play with, too. :D

2) I went to the mall with Rina today! She picked me up since I didn't have a ride. We went to Woodfield. We walked around, I actually didn't buy anything except frozen yogurt. But it was still enjoyable! It was weird, we had sooo many encounters with different workers and people in various stores, it was kinda strange. First off, we ran into a LOT of people we knew! Which I guess is understandable since a lot of people go to the mall, but it's a big place! Then to top it off, we had a lot of funny encounters with store workers, like at this one hat store and at Marbles. People were just really friendly today, I guess!

3) After the mall, Rina came over (around 5-ish). Her mom was super nice, and bought us a pizza for dinner so we brought it over to our house. We ate pizza and went and played tennis. Then we went on the trampoline and talked. We started watching this one movie on TV, but then she had to go. She just left.

Turned out to be a pretty good Saturday! I feel like I procrastinated a lot on homework, but I'm going to spend Sunday doing that, probably. I'm excited to read your update!
New update tomorrow!
Good night. (:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Was today yesterday?

Hi! Well it's thursday, and time for another update!
1) yesterday, I had my first day of swim gym. I talked to the coach, and now he put me in partner's gym (helping disabled kids). So I'm out of swim gym now, yay! But the thing is, my coach is now my gym teacher.. So I definitely can't quit tennis now >.< 2) yesterday was my first day of ap euro! I like how my class is small, and I like my teacher, but we got lots of homework, even on the first day. I'm still not done, but I'll do it tomorrow morning xD hehe. 3) last night (I'm sorry they're all about yesterday! I know it's supposed to be about TODAY but yesterday was much more interesting xD) I got really sick. >.< I came home after my tennis match (lost 0-6, 3-6) and I started to feel a migraine or some REALLY intense headache and stomach ache. So I laid down for a second, took medicine, then I threw up >.< gross, I know.. But I went to sleep and felt better this morning. It was weird, like a one night stomache flu. But I feel much better now! (: what do you do when you feel sick?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Suddenly a Sophomore!

Happy Tuesday! Well, a lot happened today- mainly because it was my FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I don't like being a sophomore, I want to be a freshman again.. >.<
1) Gifted was actually a lot of fun today. We had to do this "team-building" project, where a ball was dropped down this long, cylinder tube and we had various items (two paperclips, a rubber band, a small wrench, thread, a plastic cup, and a clippy thing). We had to try and get the ball out, without tipping it over. So everyone told me (long and skinny arms) to get it out, and the teacher was like "that's impossible" but I got it out! haha, too bad he said we needed to find ANOTHER way to get it out. So, we used the cup and filled it with water, making the ball float its way back up. The downside to class was we already need to start brainstorming Gifted project ideas... And I have NO IDEA what to do!! HELP!
2) 2nd block I had Chem. My teacher's a bit weird, but I guess she's nice. We already started working on labs today. We poured acid on cows' eyeballs and made rainbow solutions and turned aluminum foil into rust and exploded stuff. :D BUT, two projects and lab analysis' were assigned >.<
3) It was raining today, so we didn't play tennis. Instead we just stayed inside. Varsity conditioned but the rest of us weren't even DOING anything! But it didnt end until 5... Oh well. We have a match tomorrow! I'm nervous~!
Anyways, overall my day was good I guess. How was yours?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Summery Sunday!

I know I'm late. And I'm sorry. I got home at like 11 last night.. and was kinda tired.. Then I had to wake up early and was at school until now, pretty much. So, let's get into it!!
So on Sunday...
1) I finished the Crucible in the morning! Yay! I thought it was an O.K. book. The ending was horrible, though! Now I kind of want to re-watch your cartoon, because now I'll actually UNDERSTAND what I was saying. But quick question- why, out of all the characters, did you pick Mary as the most innocent? I guess I should watch the animation, but I don't know where to find it xD
2) Mom's been on a health kick.. So for lunch yesterday we had salad. It was actually pretty good though. It had shrimp, egg, blueberries, and then all the regular salad stuff. Plus, it had croutons!! (Throw on some croutons, it makes everything taste better ;) )
3) Now, for the most fun part of my day! I went to Maira's house for a BBQ! It was really fun! We played games, had hamburgers and hotdogs, macaroni salad, fruit salad, all that jazz. We made a fire and made smores and just talked. It was a good summer night! And I hadn't seen a lot of my friends in a long time, so it was good to catch up.
Overall, I had a good day yesterday! I'll update again tomorrow! (my first day of school... >.< gah)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Hey! Today was kind of a cold, rainy day... But let's get into it!
1) Even though it was raining on and off all day today, we still had band camp (tennis was canceled). We spent almost all day inside, except for the last hour we spent outside practicing pre-game and our half-time show for the football game. Inside, me and one of my friends made bracelets. ^_^
2) Me and Rina were GOING to hang out, but it ended up not happening.. :( But that's okay, I instead spend the day reading the Crucible. I only have one more act to go! It's sort of confusing at some parts and a bit boring, but it's alright.
3) I watched HIMYM, and it made me miss a certain drink and a certain brudder... >.<

Sorry my "3" were sort of boring today! I didn't really do much.. lol. I can't believe I start school in three days. Things will get more interesting when that starts, probably. ;) Expect my next blog post tomorrow!
Good night, cyberspace! (: *head falls on keyboard* gyubrkhulknfgi

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So, it's been a while.

Hello! I was reading my past blog posts, and I kind of like how each is similar to a little journal entry. It's cool to re-read what I wrote, and remember the exact day so clearly. Now, on to the big three (it's been a while since I've said that!)
1) I had Tennis this morning, from 8-10. It went... okay. I don't know, I'm still not really ENJOYING tennis that much... But right now I'm continuing to stick with it. I'm still thinking about whether or not to keep doing it this year. But today we just played games, which I guess was sort of fun.(:
2) Band camp! I got sunburned really badly, even though I put sunscreen on >.< Today was the fourth day of camp, and it's tiring but it's still pretty fun (at least sometimes!). We just practiced marching and playing for the football games and preparing for marching season.
3) During our lunch break, me and a few friends went and explored the school, finding all our classes. So I know where my locker and all my classes are now! :D yayyy!

To be honest, sort of a boring day. >.< Tomorrow I have tennis and band (but only for about two hours- playing at the pep assembly for the freshman kick-off). again. I'm missing a certain big little brudder! :(
P.S. Did you forget a laptop wireless cord, or something? Ben mentioned it at dinner earlier. Mom said she'd mail it to you, but we don't really know what it is. Just call her and tell her where it is if you want her to mail it to you!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Frappé Hour

So unfortunately, blogpost wasn't working last night. >.< so, I'm going to make up for my post today, so sorry it's a day late!
1) I had a bio test today. I'm not sure how I did on it.. I was running out of time near the end. It was on protein synthesis and DNA replication and stem cells and DNA fingerprinting. Cross your fingers for me!
2) after school, I went to my friend saba's house. It was my second time going there. It was really fun. We went to starbucks. I don't like coffee, so I got a vanilla bean frappé. It wa pretty much just like a milkshake. XD but the best part was it was half off! From 3-5 this enire week, all frappés were half off. Good day to go. ;)
3) hmmm... What's a third thing... It rained and was cold today. :/ this week had been so beautiful, I just knew it was too good to be true! I hope it gets warmer soon!

I'm excited for a certain big little brudder to come home tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Good Evening (almost morning)!

Hi! It's super late and I gotta wake up at 6 tomorrow, so let's get right into it-
1) it was such a beautiful day outside again! In Gifted, we got to go outside and sat in the grass in a circle and discussed about stuff. :)
2) Today after school, Cassidy came over to work on Geometry homework. We did a bit of that, but mostly talked and went on the trampoline. Hehe.
3) I had a band concert today! It went well, but very long. This is part of the reason why this post is so late.
Hope you reader(s) had a nice day!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Summer, Where Are You?

Hey reader(s)! I hope life's going well for you all! Right now, I'm wrapped in a blanket in my basement after taking a shower and typing up this blog post. ^_^ Let's get into it!

1) Today was Mother's Day, and yesterday I made chocolate cupcakes for my mom. But I realized I was missing something very important- FROSTING! AND WE HAD NO POWDERED SUGAR IN THE CABINET :O. So, I very nicely asked my dad to take me to the store to get frosting. xD He was so nice and he did. :D The lady checking us out probably thought we were weird for just buying one item, but that's okay. It was just what I needed for the cupcakes!

2) It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside today. My parents spent most of it gardening and cleaning outside. I read my book on the deck and it was so relaxing and nice. :D I hope the weather stays like this.

3) I helped my mom make dinner, and we grilled because it was nice out. We made chicken shishkabobs. I really think I spelled that wrong... lol. They were yummmmy. Shishkabobs always remind me of summer. I was in a very summery mood today. Then after dinner, I presented mom with my cupcakes and a card and she liked it a lot. ^_^ Then we all played Scattergories.

Overall, this weekend was really great! But I really missed a certain person who will remained unnamed. But I know you're out there reading this. :) I was thinking, "this would be perfect bikeriding weather..." But then I remembered that he's coming home in a week, and that made me happy! I miss him!
Well, I think I might go to bed early tonight (because I finished all my homework, yeah!). Sweet dreams, cyberworld!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Origami, Cupcakes, Movies, Oh My!

Good evening<3. I hope you are having a good day (sofar). Haa, here are my 3!

1) At 10:30 I went to Japanese. It was actually really fun! I Got 100 on both my quizzes, and we made mother's day cards with origami. ^_^ Afterwards, me, sammi, marisa, and meghan got wendy's frosties. Yum!

2) I made chocolate cupcakes for part of mom's mother's day present! Yay yay! I went to CVS and got chocolate cake mix. Mom was at Grandma's today, so it was a perfect time to make it. I hid them in my room, and I'm going to frost them tomorrow. :)

3) Today Rina came over. We went on the trampoline, watched "The Dark Knight", and made fried rice. That was really fun, especially since we had a lot to catch up on- I haven't seen her in FOREVER, it feels like.

I realized all my posts involved food.... Hehe. Anyways, I had a pretty good Saturday! I hope yours was too. Well, I'm going to go watch a movie with mom. Can't wait to read your Saturday update! Bye~

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Choking on a Lifesaver?!

Hi! Whenever I see the caption under my blog's main heading, I laugh. H2- Oh, no, I mean S! Ahaha! Gets to me every time. ;)

1) I had a test/quiz in every block today! That's one bad thing about having all my core classes in one day. -_- But the worst part is I think I did bad on mostly all of them! First was Bio, and we took a quiz on protein synthesis and DNA replication and I did horrible. o.O and in math, we took a test and I think i did bad on that too. >.< English was good because right after we took the quiz, we graded it in class and I got 100 ^_^. THEN, was history, which I think I did bad. :D Well, we just have to wait and see!

2) I came home on the 3 o'clock bus today! It felt so weird not going to the locker room and then to practice. I already miss it. :( I don't like coming home early... I feel like I get LESS done, ironically, then when I get home at 6. All I did so far was write just one page of notes out of 12 I have to do for World History. So unproductive, lol!

3) This one actually happened last night- I was eating a lifesaver, and started choking on it. Then I started to laugh because of the irony. Then, my eyes started to water cuz it hurt so bad. So I was choking, laughing, and crying all at the same time! Then I started laughing harder because of the randomness of it all. But don't worry, I'm all good now. :)

Well, back to homework and unloading the dishwasher! Bye!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Try, Try, Try Again!

Yo Yo Yo! Don't have much time tonight, so I'm going to get right into my 3!

1) In Math, we played a review game and each question on the board was covered by a different smiley face. He picked a student randomly to pick a smiley face, and we had to answer the math question that was underneath it. There were things like candy, pencils, 5 pts extra credit, 10 pts extra credit, 25 pts extra credit, and doughnuts! Mr. Mead would give us whichever was the LAST one left on the board. We had 3 chances if we got a question wrong. If we got 3 wrong, we didn't get anything. It was so unfair... We finished the ENTIRE board, but the last one left was pencils. -_- I wanted the 25 extra credit, ha!

2) Today was the very last day of Badminton. We had conference today, and me and my partner Adeena were in the line up! That was good news, except the bad news is we did pretty bad... Personally for us, our scores were 21-14 (good on the first game), 18-21 (close!), and we split, and the third game we lost 16-21. :'( I was so disappointed... Me and Adeena tried hard though, and Adeena was sick so she did really well considering HOW sick she was. Our whole team didn't do that great... Only our first doubles team went on. Most of us lost the first round. >.< So yeah... Next year, we'll come back stronger!

3) After we got back to Hoffman, I was going to the locker room to get my stuff and a totally (somehow..) scraped the back of my hand on the door! I don't know HOW, but now I have a bunch of bloody gashes all over the back of my hand. :'( Ouch!

Well, I gotta go study for history, make a map, and read the Odyssey.... New update on Thursday!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I spy, with my little eye...

Six, mix, kicks, licks, pics..... Let's get into the big "six divided by two"!

1) This morning, I was very productive. :) I woke up around 8:30, and I finished the chapters I had to read of The Odyssey for English. Then, I wrote my Gifted art critique. THEN, I did test corrections for World History... And then started to make flashcards for the test, all before noon! Yay. ^_^ It feels so good to get stuff done!

2) I went to Sammi's house today! We played tennis with her little sisters (it was so cold and windy, though :( ), then got ice cream at Oberweis. I got mint chocolate chip! While we ate, we played games like I-Spy and Picnic. :D

3) After we got back to Sammi's, we played her new game, Kirby's Epic Yarn. It's really fun! And it's so cute. ^o^ I want to get it now... It's sort of like Super Mario. But I'll just rent it or borrow it from Sammi if I want to play some more. Then like 20 minutes ago, Dad picked me up. I'm glad I got to hang out with her because I feel like I haven't seen her in forever...

Well, that's pretty much all I did today! What will I do now? Well, school's tomorrow- yuck. >.< I'm going to go keep making flashcards for my history test. :P Excited to read your update later tonight! I'm out~

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Run, Run, Sweet Road Runner!

Hola! Well compared to my brother's blog, mine is going to be much duller in comparison. :( Haha, but let's get on with it!

1) I went to Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois (I might have mixed up the words.. xD) today to see my brother run the marathon! Wahhh he did awesome!! *throws streamers and confetti* Yayy! Hehe. ^_^ We woke up around 6 a.m., and I was so excited and went to wake up my mom (dad was already up). Around 6:30, we left the house to start driving the 3 hour drive down. I read my book in the car- big mistake. >.< I got really carsick and felt dizzy. But luckily, after we got to U of I the feeling eventually passed. :) While we were driving around, looking for a parking spot, we saw a crowd of blurring colors- the runners!!! There was music playing, and a bunch of people, the runners, booths, mist thingys, and more! It was fun and the best part was we saw you in the middle of the race (so randomly, too!) and when you crossed the finish line. :D I saw you I saw you! You pumped your arms in the air. ^_^ Hehe that was funny.

2) After we left your dorm, we went to the Japanese gardens/house. It was really pretty. :) Except we couldn't go inside because it was locked. :( Boooo! Oh well, I peeked inside and there was a lady staring back at me. o.O (she was a worker or something). So I got out of there real fast. XD All these pretty fountain things, flowers, pebbles, bamboo, etc. I didn't want to leave but we had to start driving back home after that. :(

3) After I got home, I took a shower. Yeah, it is sort of sad that a shower made it under my top 3 most interesting events of my day, but I don't know what else to write. >.< Lol sorry mine may have been boring for you because you already know what i did xD. I kind of copied your first two things, but oh well. It's from a different perspective, at least!!

Well, that's all for today! I'm glad we got to see you run. :D I realized i used a lot of emoticons in this post... Strange. o.O It's 8, so I'm going to go make ramen or something for dinner (self service tonight) and do some homework. New update will be up tomorrow!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

There's a slick town, Barnaby!

Greetings! I'm in for my 4th post. :D Well, not much to say, so let's get into it! Here are my big 3-
1) We had something today that has never happened to me before- a super, super late start! Nope, not the regular 9:10 late starts... But today, school started at 10:30! :O Except, my stupid internal clock woke me up at 7 a.m. -_- But that's okay, I had time to make crepes! Yummy!

2) After practice today, our entire badminton team went to Barnaby's (ha, get the title reference now? I hope you know where it's from xD). I've never been there until tonight (or even heard of it). They have awesome pizza! It was really fun, and good bonding time for us. :) But it's sad because the season ends next Tuesday. I'm not going to have anything to do after school anymore... (Well actually, I have clubs and such but a lot of them ended/aren't meeting as often as before.)

3) This 3rd thing is kind of a serious one. So at the restaurant, two badminton people were laughing/making fun of this one, sort of socially awkward, girl at school. They were mocking her laugh and stuff like that. And that just made me feel really mad. I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT when people gossip about others, and especially behind their backs too. I know it's sometimes easy to fall into, but I know personally I really try not to. In between their laughter, the girls were like "we're so mean!" but kept on laughing. If you acknowledge your problem, then why do you continue to do it? It's rude and disrespectful to others and to yourself. What's your thoughts on it?

Anyways, my day overall was alright... School was good because the blocks were only an hour long, but I didn't do so hot in practice and the thing that happened at the restaurant sort of made me even more down. :( But that's okay, tomorrow's another day! Me and mom are gonna go watch The Office at 8... I'm out!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

my shoes still squish and squeak and squelch.

Hey hey hey! Hopefully you read this tonight or tomorrow morning. Anyways, a lot of stuff happened today! You know how I said my posts would probably get shorter as time goes on? Well, this one might be long... So, sorry for that! I hope you don't mind. :) Well now, on to the "Big 3"!

1) As you know, I went to CHICAGO today! It was awesome! We got there around 9 am, and walked around Millennium Park. We saw statues and sculptures, and then analyzed them (sounds nerdy, but it was for Gifted, so what do you expect?). We saw "Cloudgate" (aka the bean), "Chicago", "Four Seasons", "Monument With Standing Beast", and "Untitled". THEN, we went to the Art Institute and got to go off on our own to explore for an hour and a half. We also had to find a piece of art to write a one page critique/analysis on (I KNEW there was a catch to a fun field trip... -_-). Then, we went BACK to Millennium Park and ate lunch there. We had splitten (SIDE NOTE: isn't "splitten" a word? It's underscored in red squiggles, but I'm almost positive this word exists...) up again for 40 minutes to eat and walk around, then we would meet back at the bus stop at 1:20. Around 1, it starts to rain. REALLY, REALLY HARD. And we are surrounded by metal, which doesn't help the situation. So we race back to the bus stop, soaking wet. THEN, a couple kids had went off to places they weren't supposed to, and my teacher had to run all around looking for them so he got sort of mad... But besides that, the trip was fun. :)

2) While we were having our adventures in Chicago, the students and teachers back at Hoffman had stuff going on too... Apparently, there was a power outage at school during 2nd Block, and then at 3rd there was a bomb threat!! And a lockdown!! That's pretty scary. I'm sort of glad I wasn't there... Lol but still, I always miss exciting stuff. -_- People say someone tried to do a "fake" bomb threat to get out of the ACTS tomorrow (which, I don't have to take, so I don't have school tomorrow!! :D). So this 2nd point didn't actually happen to ME, but it was still interesting!

3) We had the weirdest thing for dinner today. So we had chicken nuggets, asparagus, rice, and mostacholi... Seems perfectly normal, right? Nope! The chicken nuggets weren't fried- they were BAKED. It was the strangest thing. o.O

Ahaha, did you notice my posts slowly got shorter? Anyways, sorry this was long! I'll try to write shorter ones for this weekend's blog. :)

P.S. Don't you love this title? I thought of it myself *proud*. But I couldn't find the right word to describe the sound of water in my shoes, so I put all 3 in. So I had to look it up online-- this is what I found.
Squishy describes the sound of the water combined with the squeak.
Squeaky describes simply the shrill sound, water is not necessary.
If the water is INSIDE the shoe, it's squishy.
If the water is on the FLOOR, it's squeaky.
:O wowza!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter, Food, Death Glares, Car Naps...

Hi there! Here is the second blog post of my blogging history. :D yayy! Here are my "3 Things"-
1) Today was EASTER! Except, it didn't really FEEL like it was Easter... I dunno, we didn't get baskets or anything so it didn't feel complete. :( The sorrows of growing up... sigh. It's okay though, I still had a fun day. We went to my Grandma's house, and saw my uncle, aunt, and cousin. We had a yummy lunch/dinner (linner?), had cake, talked, took a walk, etc. Since we spent pretty much our entire day there, my 2nd event/"thing" is also going to be from this trip.

2) At Grandma's, I realized how much I missed warm weather! That's why I'm super excited for summer! I relaxingly sat under a tree, reading "The Odyssey" with the bestest big little brudder there is. Though I was getting frustrated with myself with my slow progress through the pages of my school assignment, the warm breeze just made me feel happy. All was well... except until my brother was hanging from the tree and the person's death glare from the house across the field prompted us to leave... fast.

3) This next "thing" (I dunno what to call them- events? Experiences? So I just call them "things" *shrug*) I realized today is how much I hate waking up from napping in the car. Like seriously, the emotions I feel after being disrupted makes me just want to punch a pillow! I'm not sure how else to explain it. Like I get so stressed out, I feel stiff, and just want to go back to sleep again but I know I'm going to have to wake up soon anyways so why bother. I hate that feeling of having to wake up. >:( But after 10 minutes the feeling passed, so it's all good! Future note: wake me up GENTLY if I'm ever sleeping in the car. ;)

Well, that's all for now! I'll be back Tuesday for another post! I'm out~

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hi! This is my first blog I've ever made! It's fun! But all the template and decorating is a bit confusing. >.< Oh well, I'll work more on it to make it look better later. Here are my 3 interesting things-
1) Well, today I had a badminton tournament. I know you are probably going to be thinking that's boring, but it was pretty fun! It lasted about 9 hours of just watching Varsity play matches, one after another. My friends and I explored, watched, ate, and helped out. Me and my friend who's a sophomore would play this "game" where she would balance a bottle of Gatorade on my head, and she would tickle me and try to make me move (thus making the bottle fall). It was really amusing. This is an extremely random one!
2) I went on a bike ride with my big little brudder. Just like old times! We biked to Dooley, and talked, and listened to our music, and went on the swings. I can't wait until summer when we get to do it all the time.
3) Today, something happened that rarely EVER happens in my family- we ate dinner around 10:15 PM! The reason why was because we went to an Easter service at church and didn't get back until late. Sukiyaki- yum, and our regular Saturday dinner tradition. :)
Well, that's all for now! Tomorrow is Easter, and though I know we won't be getting baskets that's okay... At least we will visit Grandma.