Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The sun is shining!

Hi! Sorry this post is up the morning after Thursday :( I accidentally fell asleep doing homework.. And woke up at 4 to finish. I always try to do my posts at night (after the day's almost over) but I'll try doing it earlier!
1) yesterday was my birthday! Sorry I missed your call. Me and mom were at the library. Call me back tonight! My day was ok, not too special because I had school and everything.. But it was good! Esther decorated my locker, jasleena gave me cupcakes and Saba made me a card :)

2) tennis match against mount prospect yesterday! Lost 1-6, 0-6 :( we'll get em next time..

3) wondering why I'm writing this post on a Wednesday morning at 8:25? Mom let me skip first block because I only got 3-4 hours of sleep. XD

I gotta go to school! See you!

1 comment:

  1. Once again, happy birthday!! And I think I'll comment on number 3! Aw, that's nice of mom to let you sleep in more! When you're in college, every class starts late! =D
