Thursday, October 6, 2011

No-More-Tennis Thursday


1) Yesterday was the last day of tennis. It felt weird not heading to the locker room right after school today.. I'm actually kind of sad that it's over. I never thought I'd say that xD

2) Now that Tennis is over, I have time to go to my clubs! There was a PALS hope meeting today. We are organizing the Halloween event for the little kids in our community. So we brainstormed what games to create. I learned that little kids can get amused by anything.. And they look so cute in costumes! I'm excited!

3) After PALS, I rushed to Newspaper. I'm writing for sports this month.. Doing Varsity volleyball profiles. I just finished writing my questions that I'll ask the girls. Hopefully I can interview them soon- stories are due next week!

Anyways, now I have to go study for my French quiz. Now, I don't have to say "update on Saturday", but instead "I'll see you on Friday (aka tomorrow! ahh! :D). By the way, since both you and Sanette will be home, I was thinking we should go to the Art Museum! I have a free family pass that expires on December 31st, 2011 so I want to use it by then. Anyways, I think that would be fun and we should go. :D Tell me what you think!


  1. The art museum sounds awesome! We should definitely do that!!

    I'm surprised tennis is over! Seemed like it just started! Glad you had a good season! =)

  2. okay yay! can we take the train! I wanna take the train... Idk how much it is though...

    I know, I can't believe tennis is already over. But we actually do have a pretty short season compared to most other fall sports.
