Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hi! This is my first blog I've ever made! It's fun! But all the template and decorating is a bit confusing. >.< Oh well, I'll work more on it to make it look better later. Here are my 3 interesting things-
1) Well, today I had a badminton tournament. I know you are probably going to be thinking that's boring, but it was pretty fun! It lasted about 9 hours of just watching Varsity play matches, one after another. My friends and I explored, watched, ate, and helped out. Me and my friend who's a sophomore would play this "game" where she would balance a bottle of Gatorade on my head, and she would tickle me and try to make me move (thus making the bottle fall). It was really amusing. This is an extremely random one!
2) I went on a bike ride with my big little brudder. Just like old times! We biked to Dooley, and talked, and listened to our music, and went on the swings. I can't wait until summer when we get to do it all the time.
3) Today, something happened that rarely EVER happens in my family- we ate dinner around 10:15 PM! The reason why was because we went to an Easter service at church and didn't get back until late. Sukiyaki- yum, and our regular Saturday dinner tradition. :)
Well, that's all for now! Tomorrow is Easter, and though I know we won't be getting baskets that's okay... At least we will visit Grandma.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Oh my gosh! That sounds like she's bullying you. By playing this "game" and then tickle torturing you!!

    Haha, just kidding. Sounds like you had a lot of fun, even though you were there for nine hours! Anyway though, let's hope to keep this up. See you tomorrow! Good night!
