Friday, December 2, 2011


Yeah yeah, I know this is THURSDAY'S post, but I still said TGIF in the heading.. I just wanted to say it XD Second post back, still getting into the swing of things! :) Here we goooo!
1) So on Wednesday after school we had a Euro Review Session. It was the first one I attended the whole time. But a lot of people didn't come for some reason.. Did she have review sessions when you were taking the class, too?
2) We put up the christmas tree! I saw in in the window when I was getting off the bus yesterday and my expression was :O. I ran into the house, I was so happy! ^_^ Then we decorated it that night. Ooh, and the new arrangement of the living room looks sooo good! It's the best arrangement we've had yet! :)
3) I've had a new favorite breakfast recently- a burnt bagel with butter. It's weird, but so good! I'm eating one right now ^_^

Well, that's all for now! New post on *drumroll* saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Two! Definitely two! Oh man, I really can't wait to get home. Stupid finals and then, yay!! Can't wait until Christmas!
