Monday, October 24, 2011

Wow, how did that happen?

I don't know what happened, but I some how skipped Sunday! And I was doing so well. >.<

1) On Sunday, I went to the library and got some books. I got some historical fiction books, an adventure book, and one fantasy book. I want to read them, but I'm so busy I don't feel like I have time >.< Maybe over this weekend!

2) Found out that Sanette isn't coming home for Thanksgiving... *sad* This is going to be the first without her here with us! Well, at least she'll be with Donna.. But it won't be the same. We should still go Black Friday shopping, though. :)

3) I know this didn't happen on Sunday, but I'm going to share anyways. Tonight we had a band concert! We played our music from the football games in the gym for the parents. One person fainted right in front of me :O It was so hot in the gym, especially with our uniforms on! Besides that, it went pretty well.

Well, that's all for now! Bye!


  1. 2) We should definitely go Black Friday shopping. Let's plan it out and go early! I'm not sure if you want to do it again without Sanette, but we should get cream of potato soup with bacon bits and watch The Office afterwards!

  2. Haha we totally should!!! And I will miss Sanette alot, but I still have you! And that sounds like so much funn! I love Black Friday. Yeah, potato soup FTW <3
