Friday, September 23, 2011

OH my gosh!

Oh my gosh! I typed a whole post on my ipod, and I thought I posted it yesterday, but it didn't post! >: ( Well, yesterday was a pretty good day.. Let's get into it!

1) We got back the multiple choice part of our AP euro test, and I got a 95%! Me and my friend got the exact same score, and we were the highest grade in the class. :D But we didn't get the outlines back yet, and I know I did badly on that...

2) In tennis, we have "big sister little sister", where an older person is assigned to a younger person, and on game days you're supposed to buy them food, make signs saying good luck, etc. Okay so today was a game, and I completely forgot to get my "sister" something. So at lunch I just bought her a small bag of goldfish. But she brought me a whole goodie bag full of food and candy! I felt so horrible. I don't even want to eat it now because it's like I'm eating a bag of guilt. >.< On monday we have another game, and I'm totally going to make it up to her!

3) Lastly, we got Lou Malnati's for dinner! Yumm!

I'm out~

1 comment:

  1. First, so jealous of Lou Malnati's!! It's so good. Chicago style deep dish!

    And for my actual comment it'll be on number 1. Huge congrats on that test. Ni- to the capital- ice!!

    I'm sure you did well on the outlines! See you tomorrow, bye!
