Saturday, October 15, 2011

Original Turkey on Wheat, Please!

Hello! Happy weekend :D Let's get right into it!

1) This morning, I went to Japanese. It was the first time I've been there in weeks (due to Tennis, I always had practice or tournaments on saturday mornings so I was never able to go to Japanese). I think today was my last time going, because I didn't sign up for the proficiency test in time. :\ I have mixed feelings.. I enjoyed going, learning and seeing my friends, but it was sort of expensive and the test isn't even for college credit. I'm glad I at least tried it though. And I'll never lose the foundation- I'll definitely take Japanese in college!

2) I went to Potbellys for lunch today! It was so yummmy! I haven't been there in a long time. My sandwich was nice and warm. ^_^ What are your favorite casual places to eat? My top three are Panera, Potbellys, and Chipotle. :D Just thinking about it makes me hungry!

3) Went to the mall with mom. I exchanged some of my birthday gifts from my friends. We spent a couple hours there. It was pretty fun! Mom found a dress for $5- pretty good deal!

Excited to read your Sat. blog post, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!


  1. 1. Why don't this spring you study a lot and try to take the AP Japanese test? You've been in the program for most of your education career, so you should be able to get some credit for it. Either way, good luck!!

  2. And because I think your heart was set on me answering number 2. My top 3 are Panera, Noodles and Company, and Chipotle.
