Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Back!

As I sat here, doing my AP Euro homework, I realized I needed to update the blog! And I wasn't about to be late again! Here we go~

1) As you know, today we changed the clocks, and gain an hour! I love this time of year :D It WOULD be 10 right now, but it's actually 9! I haven't changed my watch yet, but I want to keep it regular time for as long as I can because then I get happy when I look and realize that I actually have more time than I thought, haha!

2) Went to the library today with my friend. It was fun! We got some stuff done, like our math and chemistry homework. The library has become like my second home now.

3) I ate scalloped potatoes today for dinner. I realized that that's my favorite form of potatoes :D So good!

Well, that's all for now. I'll talk to you on Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. 1, Yeah, I love gaining an extra hour. I feel like I kind of wasted it this year because I've been sick and all I did was sleep an extra hour.

    3, I was talking to mom and she told me about the potatoes. Sound amazing!
