Saturday, October 1, 2011

Darn, missed by two minutes...

I have 6 minutes left! I can do this!

1) I was SUPPOSED to have a tennis game at 7 this morning. So I got there, and the coach was outside and said they rescheduled the game to 9. >.< So Dad have to drive me back home, then Ben got mad at me for making him wake up to drive me back... When I got there, NO ONE from JV was there except one girl.. So we ended up having to play 4th doubles for varsity. We lost >.< It was 2-6, 1-6. Even though we lost, it was nice getting to play Varsity for our very last game this year. (:

2) Tonight was Hoffman's homecoming. Marisa and Cassidy came over, and we got ready. It was pretty fun, I was just really tired, because yesterday I was at school from 6 AM-11 PM.. >.> Then I had to wake up for tennis that ended up being rescheduled. But it was still fun!! It was decorated really prettily. :D

3) Afterwards, we went to IHOP. It was yummy. ^_^ But I wasn't that hungry so all I got were mozzarella sticks. And then, I came back home and am now writing this blog post !

I miss you a lot! I can't wait until this weekend! Are you coming Friday or Saturday?

1 comment:

  1. You went to both homecomings?! Whoa! Glad you had fun though, what was the theme this year? And, to answer your question, I'm coming home Friday, but late Friday night.
