Sunday, May 8, 2011

Summer, Where Are You?

Hey reader(s)! I hope life's going well for you all! Right now, I'm wrapped in a blanket in my basement after taking a shower and typing up this blog post. ^_^ Let's get into it!

1) Today was Mother's Day, and yesterday I made chocolate cupcakes for my mom. But I realized I was missing something very important- FROSTING! AND WE HAD NO POWDERED SUGAR IN THE CABINET :O. So, I very nicely asked my dad to take me to the store to get frosting. xD He was so nice and he did. :D The lady checking us out probably thought we were weird for just buying one item, but that's okay. It was just what I needed for the cupcakes!

2) It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside today. My parents spent most of it gardening and cleaning outside. I read my book on the deck and it was so relaxing and nice. :D I hope the weather stays like this.

3) I helped my mom make dinner, and we grilled because it was nice out. We made chicken shishkabobs. I really think I spelled that wrong... lol. They were yummmmy. Shishkabobs always remind me of summer. I was in a very summery mood today. Then after dinner, I presented mom with my cupcakes and a card and she liked it a lot. ^_^ Then we all played Scattergories.

Overall, this weekend was really great! But I really missed a certain person who will remained unnamed. But I know you're out there reading this. :) I was thinking, "this would be perfect bikeriding weather..." But then I remembered that he's coming home in a week, and that made me happy! I miss him!
Well, I think I might go to bed early tonight (because I finished all my homework, yeah!). Sweet dreams, cyberworld!

1 comment:

  1. Aw... I'm really jealous of your day. (Commenting on number 3 by the way, though it has ties to the other events as well.)

    You got to spend the whole day outside and have chicken shishkabobs! And as the icing on the proverbial cupcake, you got to play scattergories!! So jealous. Well, happy you're having a great summer before summer starts. See you in less than a week now!
