Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On time.. For Once!

Hello!! I'm actually on time! I'm so sorry about being late on posts- I'll really try to be more on top of it from now on. Starting today! >: D

1) Yesterday, I didn't have practice due to the rain so I came home at 3. It felt so weird... It was the first time I went on a bus home other than the 5:30 one. But I had so much extra time! I didn't utilize it well though xD

2) In gifted, our next project is to design a bridge! It needs to be "beautiful" and strong enough to sustain weight. Sigh.. so many projects in that class. I don't even know how to start :\

3) It's homecoming week this week! That means spirit days. Guess what they are?
Monday: Mummy Day (lame.. esp. since it was raining hard that day, I only saw two people dress up)
Tuesday: Cartoon Day
Wednesday: Crazy Day
Thursday: 80s Day
Friday: HEHS Spirit Day
I'll probably just dress up for Friday. Haha!

Update on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. We both need to work on updating on time. This is probably not a good reason, but at least you being late makes me not feel as bad for late posts. But we should both try to do it on time!!

    And you should dress up for the spirit days! Not just Spirit Day. Cartoon Day sounds fun (though as of the time of this writing, too late), haha. Anyway though, hope you have fun this week!!
