Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm 13 minutes late!?

It's 12:13 am, and I'm 13 minutes off. UGH!

1) today was my birthday party! It was a lot of fun! We went to sweet tomatoes, then came back home. We went on the trampoline, played ping pong, and watched a movie. It was really nice seeing everyone all together again :D

2) Because I had a birthday party today, I had to clean all day up until the party started. Especially since we didn't even start cleaning until Friday night. >.< We are such procrastinators, but hey, at least we got everything done on time!

3) I spent a lot of time this morning making bracelets for my friends. I made 9, and each one takes like an hour to make.. so you can figure out how much time it took! But they all turned out good and it was worth the time. (:

overall, i had a great day! How was yours? update tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. 13 minutes late?! For shame!!

    Haha, I'm just joking. It's alright. I've been late too, so we just both have to try to be on time with it.

    I'm gonna comment on number 1!! Sounds like you had a really great time. Once again, happy happy birthday!!
