Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a miracle!

A post... ON TIME! :O Anyways, you know the drill!

1) I'm super excited for winter break! :D But I have a lot of tests this week.. Chem and Math on Thursday, and an AP Euro test on Friday. I think all the teachers are trying to get it in before break. I guess it's better than having them after, with 2 weeks to start forgetting the information. Anyways, how are your finals going?

2) I had a SAVE holiday party today! It was fun. We had a secret santa and had to bring in a $10 present... But mine was really lame >.< And I opened a REALLY nice one! I felt so bad. But luckily someone "stole" it from me, and I ended up getting a mug. I was happy though because I would have felt too guilty keeping that really nice one!

3) After that, I went to math tutoring with my friend. Like i mentioned in #1, I have a math test Thursday. We are learning about polynomials. :P

Well, talk to you soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. 2, It's kinda funny that you felt guilty for being fortunate. Either way, a mug is still nice!
