Saturday, November 12, 2011

How Do I Get So Late!?!?!

So starting off, want to say that I'm super duper sorry.. AGAIN. :\ Here we go, for Thursday's post!

1) So SINCE I was late, I'm going to include things that happened on Friday as well. ^_^ So I had no school on Friday for veteran's day, and for band we marched at the Police Station for the Veteran's parade thing. It was really good. The speeches they gave were really sad but really inspiring at the same time. We played God Bless America, God Bless the USA, and Salute to America's Finest. Though it was really cold, it was well worth it!

2) I went to the mall with Sammi and Rina on Friday. It was fun, but SUPER CROWDED! And you know how you said before "Oh, you never run into people at the mall, it's so big"? Well, that is a lie! I think I set the record for how many people I ran into. As I sit here counting, I believe I ran into 8 people (And no, they weren't all in one group =P).

3) Lately, I've been getting into the Christmas-y mood. I love this time of year :D. It snowed on Thursday, radios are starting to play Christmas music, all the stores are getting Christmas decorated (but I must say, it's pretty early to be doing that- it's not even Thanksgiving yet! I swear, they're getting earlier and earlier each year... *shakes head*). But I can't wait to make christmas cookies, go sledding, the whole sha-bang! :D We should make a list of what we will do this winter break (like we did for summer!). Oh, and what do you want for Christmas?

ON TIME update later today for Saturday! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. 1, I remember our Veteran's Day band concert. It really was a great experience and means a lot to everyone who ever served our country.

    Mincom3, I don't know what I want yet... I'm tempted to say money (since I actually really need that for college), or perhaps clothes... We'll talk about it later. (Guess this really isn't much of a mini-comment!)
