Saturday, August 27, 2011

I can't think of a title.

(I'm so creative, I know. (; )
Hi, my readers! I love how I say that plural-y, even though I think there's only one reader out there... It would be funny if there were more. xD Well, it's Saturday, and you all know what that means! New update! Let's go~

1) I had tennis this morning from 9-11, and I actually had a lot of fun! I think it was the most fun practice so far. I still need to improve a lot, but we played games pretty much the whole time, and that's the best part. The girls who I was playing with were fun to play with, too. :D

2) I went to the mall with Rina today! She picked me up since I didn't have a ride. We went to Woodfield. We walked around, I actually didn't buy anything except frozen yogurt. But it was still enjoyable! It was weird, we had sooo many encounters with different workers and people in various stores, it was kinda strange. First off, we ran into a LOT of people we knew! Which I guess is understandable since a lot of people go to the mall, but it's a big place! Then to top it off, we had a lot of funny encounters with store workers, like at this one hat store and at Marbles. People were just really friendly today, I guess!

3) After the mall, Rina came over (around 5-ish). Her mom was super nice, and bought us a pizza for dinner so we brought it over to our house. We ate pizza and went and played tennis. Then we went on the trampoline and talked. We started watching this one movie on TV, but then she had to go. She just left.

Turned out to be a pretty good Saturday! I feel like I procrastinated a lot on homework, but I'm going to spend Sunday doing that, probably. I'm excited to read your update!
New update tomorrow!
Good night. (:

1 comment:

  1. Aw... Sounds like you had a really good day! I'm gonna comment on number 1 and it's awesome you had a fun day of tennis! I suppose you are planning on sticking with it, but good you have fun with it!
