Thursday, October 13, 2011

From Pizza, to Math, to Newspaper...

It's late, but it's still technically Thursday!

1) I feel like that last update was ages ago, when in reality it was merely hours. We had a free day in gym today, so that was pretty nice. We went to the bike room and walked around and played badminton. :D

2) After school today, I was running around a lot. First I went to tell Newspaper that I would be late, and then I went to my math room to tell THEM I was going to be late (there was a study/help session going on for math), then I went to the tennis pizza party. I felt bad though because I only stayed for like, 10 minutes before rushing to math. THEN, after like 10 minutes (the pizza took a lot longer to come than expected), I ran to the publications office for newspaper and stayed late to work on my article. I'm planning to email it in by tomorrow. Busy day today!

3) I have a math test tomorrow which I'm super nervous for! I think I'm going to go to math tutoring tomorrow for some last minute help before the test 4th Block. *crosses fingers* wish me luck!

Update on Saturday

1 comment:

  1. 2) Wow, looks like you do have a very busy day! You've run around so much you can almost go out for the cross country team!

    Okay, bad joke.

    But still, hope you're staying on top of everything and don't stress yourself out TOO much!!
