Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Friday, Friday...

Hey! Let's get into the big three, shall we? :D

1) Yesterday it was super nice out! It was windy, my favorite kind of weather. :) The only bad thing was during tennis, the balls kept going everywhere. But we need to know how to play in those sort of conditions, so I guess it was a good thing. :P

2) My birthday celebration/party with my friends is tomorrow! I'm sort of worried because it's Friday, and we still haven't really done anything yet.. Gahh I've just been so busy with school and tennis and homework that I haven't been able to clean! But after I get home today.... >: D We'll get serious!!

3) We had mostacholli for dinner last night. It made me think of you!

 Excited to read your post!

1 comment:

  1. Aw... I wish I had mostacholli... (That's not how you spell it, but Firefox is not giving me the proper spelling.) I'll also dabble in a small comment for number 2, hope you have fun and let me know how it goes! Bye now!
