Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Hey! Today was kind of a cold, rainy day... But let's get into it!
1) Even though it was raining on and off all day today, we still had band camp (tennis was canceled). We spent almost all day inside, except for the last hour we spent outside practicing pre-game and our half-time show for the football game. Inside, me and one of my friends made bracelets. ^_^
2) Me and Rina were GOING to hang out, but it ended up not happening.. :( But that's okay, I instead spend the day reading the Crucible. I only have one more act to go! It's sort of confusing at some parts and a bit boring, but it's alright.
3) I watched HIMYM, and it made me miss a certain drink and a certain brudder... >.<

Sorry my "3" were sort of boring today! I didn't really do much.. lol. I can't believe I start school in three days. Things will get more interesting when that starts, probably. ;) Expect my next blog post tomorrow!
Good night, cyberspace! (: *head falls on keyboard* gyubrkhulknfgi

1 comment:

  1. Aw... Still sounds like you had a pretty fun day! I'm actually going to comment on number 3 with the question: where are you in the season? I also miss you and our HIMYM time!! Hope you're doing well and talk to you later!
