Thursday, September 29, 2011

Munch Munch Crunch

Right now, as I munch on my pizza, I will write up my Thursday blog post (:

1) We finally got our tennis shirts today! We were, ideally, supposed to get them before school started... :\ Yeah, that didn't work out.. They look nice at least. But, the season ends next week! Oh well, I'm glad we finally got them :D

2) In math, I got the third highest grade on the test in the class! I got a pencil ^_^ Yayy!

3) Tomorrow is the Friday before homecoming! That means decorated hallways, coronation (aka getting out of class EARLY!! :D), the football game... This also means going to school at 6 for marching band in the morning, and staying at school until 11 for marching band at night. It's going to be a long day, but it should be fun (:

Can't wait until next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Minicomment on 2, congrats on your test! That's awesome!!

    Actual comment on 3: Wow, really long day. Hope you have fun though! Don't kill yourself!!
