Saturday, April 30, 2011

Run, Run, Sweet Road Runner!

Hola! Well compared to my brother's blog, mine is going to be much duller in comparison. :( Haha, but let's get on with it!

1) I went to Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois (I might have mixed up the words.. xD) today to see my brother run the marathon! Wahhh he did awesome!! *throws streamers and confetti* Yayy! Hehe. ^_^ We woke up around 6 a.m., and I was so excited and went to wake up my mom (dad was already up). Around 6:30, we left the house to start driving the 3 hour drive down. I read my book in the car- big mistake. >.< I got really carsick and felt dizzy. But luckily, after we got to U of I the feeling eventually passed. :) While we were driving around, looking for a parking spot, we saw a crowd of blurring colors- the runners!!! There was music playing, and a bunch of people, the runners, booths, mist thingys, and more! It was fun and the best part was we saw you in the middle of the race (so randomly, too!) and when you crossed the finish line. :D I saw you I saw you! You pumped your arms in the air. ^_^ Hehe that was funny.

2) After we left your dorm, we went to the Japanese gardens/house. It was really pretty. :) Except we couldn't go inside because it was locked. :( Boooo! Oh well, I peeked inside and there was a lady staring back at me. o.O (she was a worker or something). So I got out of there real fast. XD All these pretty fountain things, flowers, pebbles, bamboo, etc. I didn't want to leave but we had to start driving back home after that. :(

3) After I got home, I took a shower. Yeah, it is sort of sad that a shower made it under my top 3 most interesting events of my day, but I don't know what else to write. >.< Lol sorry mine may have been boring for you because you already know what i did xD. I kind of copied your first two things, but oh well. It's from a different perspective, at least!!

Well, that's all for today! I'm glad we got to see you run. :D I realized i used a lot of emoticons in this post... Strange. o.O It's 8, so I'm going to go make ramen or something for dinner (self service tonight) and do some homework. New update will be up tomorrow!


  1. It's UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). But anyway though, it was so great seeing you guys today!!

    So as of number 1, I can't believe how amazing it was to run into you guys from crazy random happenstance. It was even better seeing you guys after the marathon was over.

    Can't wait for your post later today!

  2. Yes, it was!
    And "today"? You mean yesterday? o.O It says you commented on this post at 8:17 am this morning. o.O
    Anyways, I miss you already!
