Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Ugh. I really need to start posting on time. :\ Anyways, to accomadate sunday AND tuesday... BIG SIX!!!

1) On Sunday I went to the library (again!) to study with my friend. We ran into SOOO many people from our school there! I guess a lot of people go on sundays! I can't imagine during finals week :o

2) On Monday after school, I went to Scholastic Bowl. But the teacher wasn't there because he was at a meeting regarding block scheduling (we find out soon!). So, I left after about a half hour or so.

3) Since Scho Bo was over, Jasleena and I went to her house. We ate food and then studied for Euro. She also curled my hair :P But, I had to shower that night, so... it didn't last :\

4) I took my AP euro test yesterday. It was on the Sci. Rev. and the Enlightenment. I think I did badly :( There were so many questions that I couldn't decide what was the right answer! I hate it when you're debating over two. Anyways, I don't want to see what I got!

5) Also regarding AP Euro. We took the test today while all her other classes took it last week. SO we are behind. We have an ENTIRE chapter to read for next class! And its 27 pages! AND NOTES! grr :( Well I guess that's what we get for having a whole weekend to study for the test. :(

6) I'm eating a breakfast bar for breakfast! you know, the homemade one with the cranberries and chocolate chips? yumm :D

1 comment:

  1. 1. Oh man, the libraries here are PACKED for finals week. I don't even bother going over there since there's the traveling time + probably won't even get a good desk. So I usually just study in my room or in any of the lounges in my dorm.

    5. Sorry to hear that, hopefully you guys can catch up! Good thing it's the weekend!!
