Sunday, May 1, 2011

I spy, with my little eye...

Six, mix, kicks, licks, pics..... Let's get into the big "six divided by two"!

1) This morning, I was very productive. :) I woke up around 8:30, and I finished the chapters I had to read of The Odyssey for English. Then, I wrote my Gifted art critique. THEN, I did test corrections for World History... And then started to make flashcards for the test, all before noon! Yay. ^_^ It feels so good to get stuff done!

2) I went to Sammi's house today! We played tennis with her little sisters (it was so cold and windy, though :( ), then got ice cream at Oberweis. I got mint chocolate chip! While we ate, we played games like I-Spy and Picnic. :D

3) After we got back to Sammi's, we played her new game, Kirby's Epic Yarn. It's really fun! And it's so cute. ^o^ I want to get it now... It's sort of like Super Mario. But I'll just rent it or borrow it from Sammi if I want to play some more. Then like 20 minutes ago, Dad picked me up. I'm glad I got to hang out with her because I feel like I haven't seen her in forever...

Well, that's pretty much all I did today! What will I do now? Well, school's tomorrow- yuck. >.< I'm going to go keep making flashcards for my history test. :P Excited to read your update later tonight! I'm out~

1 comment:

  1. Aw... It's so great that you still keep in touch and hang out with Sammi. That's awesome! I'm really jealous of your mint choco-chip!

    And this comment started in part two but just one thing to say that seeps into your third event. I played Kirby Epic Yarn at Best Buy, and it was a pretty fun game. My only complaint is you literally can't die in the game, so that really takes away the challenge. It's still a fun game though. Anyways, good night!!
