Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gettin' Into the Halloween Spirit!

Hello! It's the weekend- yay! This is my first time being home since yesterday before school :O Let's gooo!

1) So after school on Friday, I went to Sammi's house. It was fun because I haven't seen her in forever! We went to Subway for dinner. Then, her mom dropped us off at SHS to go to their play. It was like a collection of short horror stories- Edgar Allen Poe, the Most Dangerous Game, etc. It was actually pretty good! I enjoyed it. Plus, I ran into maira and meghan so that was good ^_^

2) After that, it was like 10 PM. So mom picked us up, dropped sammi back home, and mom took me to my friend Jasleena's house to sleepover. We made chocolate chip cookies and watched Paranormal Activity 2. I was falling asleep because I was so tired. It wasn't that scary, but it was pretty good.

3) THEN this morning at like 9, we went to a day care to help out with their halloween event. It's for kids with down syndrome. We volunteered for like 3 hours, helping set up and then clean up. The kids were so adorable! One girl kept hugging me ^_^ So cute <3

In about 3 hours, I'm going to go to Marisa's house for her Halloween Party! Should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like you have a pretty busy day going on! I'll comment on 3, that's awesome you can help out with an event like that. It's kind of ironic how kids with Down syndrome have some of the brightest spirits; they're some of the happiest kids ever!

    Alright, well have fun at the other Halloween parties!
