Thursday, April 28, 2011

There's a slick town, Barnaby!

Greetings! I'm in for my 4th post. :D Well, not much to say, so let's get into it! Here are my big 3-
1) We had something today that has never happened to me before- a super, super late start! Nope, not the regular 9:10 late starts... But today, school started at 10:30! :O Except, my stupid internal clock woke me up at 7 a.m. -_- But that's okay, I had time to make crepes! Yummy!

2) After practice today, our entire badminton team went to Barnaby's (ha, get the title reference now? I hope you know where it's from xD). I've never been there until tonight (or even heard of it). They have awesome pizza! It was really fun, and good bonding time for us. :) But it's sad because the season ends next Tuesday. I'm not going to have anything to do after school anymore... (Well actually, I have clubs and such but a lot of them ended/aren't meeting as often as before.)

3) This 3rd thing is kind of a serious one. So at the restaurant, two badminton people were laughing/making fun of this one, sort of socially awkward, girl at school. They were mocking her laugh and stuff like that. And that just made me feel really mad. I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT when people gossip about others, and especially behind their backs too. I know it's sometimes easy to fall into, but I know personally I really try not to. In between their laughter, the girls were like "we're so mean!" but kept on laughing. If you acknowledge your problem, then why do you continue to do it? It's rude and disrespectful to others and to yourself. What's your thoughts on it?

Anyways, my day overall was alright... School was good because the blocks were only an hour long, but I didn't do so hot in practice and the thing that happened at the restaurant sort of made me even more down. :( But that's okay, tomorrow's another day! Me and mom are gonna go watch The Office at 8... I'm out!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome about the crepes. Almost sounds like my tradition of chocolate chip pancakes. =D

    But I think it'll be most important to comment on number 3. It's terrible to mock and talk about people behind their back. I know it's really hard, but if I ever hear it happening, I just say "Just cut it out." It's even worse if they realize they're doing something wrong yet continue doing it. Or, this would be even harder, but defend the girl. "She's not that bad, she's actually pretty cool!" It's a very difficult thing to do, but if others aren't doing the right thing, then you have to.

    Okay, off that serious note, have fun with The Office! I still have to see it!! And I can't wait to see you on Saturday!!
