Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Common Unity

Hola! Let's get into the big 2+1-0+4-2+1-3 :D

1) We went on a Gifted field trip today! We went to an organic farm. At first I thought it was going to be pretty boring, but it was actually really awesome. It's based on a community farm, so when you buy your fruits in vegetables it's not like you pay per pound, but pay a certain amount for that season, and then every week you go and can get your own vegetables. It's like you OWN part of that farm.

2) we first took a tour, and the very first thing they told us was about their bathrooms. They even use human waste as fertilizer. This may seem gross, but it's cool how they explained it. Basically, human waste has nitrogen in it, and when you use the bathroom it goes right into this huge bucket. but when you go you also throw in a handful of these wood shavings that have carbon in it. The nitrogen and carbon together help break the excretion down and keeps it from smelling. We learned a lot of other cool stuff, and as we went on the tour our guide let us just pick any fruit or vegetable we wanted as we walked. So people were randomly picking tomatoes, and peppers, etc. The blueberries were delicious!

3) After school, we had a game against Palatine. We lost D: Gahh, I'm starting to get frustrated with tennis! we keep losing! There's only 2 more weeks in the season, at least. I don't think I'm doing tennis next year, though. I want to spend my time doing other stuff!

Hope you're doing well! And are you coming home over Columbus day too?? Because Sanette is coming home that weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'll comment on number 1. Wow, that sounds awesome! I love fresh, organic vegetables! They taste so much better! Glad you had fun!
