Saturday, October 22, 2011

Yaks and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Greetings, readers! To start off, I feel like I did a title similar to this before.. Oh well! And secondly, you'll find out why I changed the "lions" to yaks as you keep reading ;)

1) Last night was our last marching band night at the football games! We were playing Fremd, and lost (big surprise!). But we DID get a touchdown (surprise)! It was fun, but super cold. Our marching band concert in the gym for the parents is on Monday.

2) Today, Honomi and I went to the pumpkin farm for this church outing thing. It was a little awkward, but it made Dad happy. We saw a lot of animals, like yaks (title!), bears, monkeys, and even lions! They had a baby white tiger and it was so sleepy and cute. I wanted to take him home (as long as he wasn't vicious, haha).

3) Afterwards, we got Jimmy Johns. It made me think of last last summer when we got them for a dollar, then ate at the gazebo. :) Fun times!

1 comment:

  1. 2. I'm glad you're doing stuff with the church. Good for you. Tomorrow I'll be going over to the Quigley's for a service. And sounds like you had a pretty fun time. It might be awkward/hard to put in the initial activation energy, but after, the reaction can occur (if you remember that stuff from bio chem with enzymes and energy)
