Monday, December 12, 2011

Sunday Sunday!

1) I ate eggs, potatoes, and toast for breakfast. It was the first time I ate an actual breakfast in a while (which is bad)! But it was yummy and a good way to start off the day :)

2) Me and mom went to Carsons to make a return. Then, we just walked around the mall. Didn't get anything, but it's fun to just walk around during the holiday time. So many pretty kiosks, bustling stores, and christmas music playing. It reminded me of ALL THE SHOPPING I NEED TO DO! :( Do you have a lot of shopping left?

3) Then, I just did some homework when I got home. Oh, and we had tonkatsu for dinner!

Pretty chill day! I'm excited for when you come home soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw... I miss tonkatsu! I don't think we had it while I was back home for the break...
