Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Blog Post With a Nonexisting Intro.


1) Today in Euro, we had an anchor dates test (easy!) and essay (sorta easy). Plus, we got back our tests from last time. I got an 85% :\ barely an A, but it's still good. Did she curve grades for your class when you were taking Euro, too?

2) I stayed after school until 5:30 working for yearbook. It was fun! I'm working on the homecoming coronation and homecoming football game. The title is "a Moment in the Spotlight". So cheesy.. haha!

3) For dinner, we had that spinach chicken, squash, salad, and rice. It was yummy. ^_^



  1. Those intros don't count...

    1) Ah, good job in Euro! Yeah, I think she has some curve on the grades. But still, nice job!!
