Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Writing this while brushing my teeth!

Hey, so I'm getting ready for bed and I knew that I needed to update! This is a late Tuesday post, I'm terribly sorry! But better late then never, so here we go!

1) In Gifted, as I probably mentioned before, we are making a bridge. So we have our basic concept down (we're working in groups). We want to make a bridge out of recycled material (pop cans, wrappers, etc), and include a water filter system underneath. It takes the water from the lake below, filters it, and have it "waterfall" / "cascade" back in. Then we want to have lights (powered by wind energy) so shine through to make the water look colorful. Then on the railing of the bridge, have ivy grow around it, and then on the inside of the "wall" have people of the community who helped contribute (by donating their cans and wrappers) sign the wall. Yeah, it's pretty complicated and it's probably not going to turn out exactly like this, but it's our goal. (: What do you think?

2) In Chemistry, we played a review game before taking a quiz. It was a maze on this big sheet full of sqaures with different ionic or covalent compounds written on it. We had to step on the right square and "translate" the compound. Whichever team made it through the entire maze first got extra credit on the quiz! And guess which team won? :P

3) I think I broke my record for the longest time brushing my teeth. It's been like 10 minutes, no joke! LOL I better go now. :) Bye!

1 comment:

  1. I'll comment on number 1. When you build it, remember basic construction like the power of 60 degree triangles! I've seen team building projects like that before and the engineers always do the best since they have basic building knowledge. Hope you can apply some of your math and science smarts to it!

    And mini-commment on 3 (mincomo3), congrats!
