Tuesday, April 26, 2011

my shoes still squish and squeak and squelch.

Hey hey hey! Hopefully you read this tonight or tomorrow morning. Anyways, a lot of stuff happened today! You know how I said my posts would probably get shorter as time goes on? Well, this one might be long... So, sorry for that! I hope you don't mind. :) Well now, on to the "Big 3"!

1) As you know, I went to CHICAGO today! It was awesome! We got there around 9 am, and walked around Millennium Park. We saw statues and sculptures, and then analyzed them (sounds nerdy, but it was for Gifted, so what do you expect?). We saw "Cloudgate" (aka the bean), "Chicago", "Four Seasons", "Monument With Standing Beast", and "Untitled". THEN, we went to the Art Institute and got to go off on our own to explore for an hour and a half. We also had to find a piece of art to write a one page critique/analysis on (I KNEW there was a catch to a fun field trip... -_-). Then, we went BACK to Millennium Park and ate lunch there. We had splitten (SIDE NOTE: isn't "splitten" a word? It's underscored in red squiggles, but I'm almost positive this word exists...) up again for 40 minutes to eat and walk around, then we would meet back at the bus stop at 1:20. Around 1, it starts to rain. REALLY, REALLY HARD. And we are surrounded by metal, which doesn't help the situation. So we race back to the bus stop, soaking wet. THEN, a couple kids had went off to places they weren't supposed to, and my teacher had to run all around looking for them so he got sort of mad... But besides that, the trip was fun. :)

2) While we were having our adventures in Chicago, the students and teachers back at Hoffman had stuff going on too... Apparently, there was a power outage at school during 2nd Block, and then at 3rd there was a bomb threat!! And a lockdown!! That's pretty scary. I'm sort of glad I wasn't there... Lol but still, I always miss exciting stuff. -_- People say someone tried to do a "fake" bomb threat to get out of the ACTS tomorrow (which, I don't have to take, so I don't have school tomorrow!! :D). So this 2nd point didn't actually happen to ME, but it was still interesting!

3) We had the weirdest thing for dinner today. So we had chicken nuggets, asparagus, rice, and mostacholi... Seems perfectly normal, right? Nope! The chicken nuggets weren't fried- they were BAKED. It was the strangest thing. o.O

Ahaha, did you notice my posts slowly got shorter? Anyways, sorry this was long! I'll try to write shorter ones for this weekend's blog. :)

P.S. Don't you love this title? I thought of it myself *proud*. But I couldn't find the right word to describe the sound of water in my shoes, so I put all 3 in. So I had to look it up online-- this is what I found.
Squishy describes the sound of the water combined with the squeak.
Squeaky describes simply the shrill sound, water is not necessary.
If the water is INSIDE the shoe, it's squishy.
If the water is on the FLOOR, it's squeaky.
:O wowza!


1 comment:

  1. The point of the blogs are supposed to be short, tweet-like bites. Not whole essays! But anyway, it was a good read.

    I'll definitely comment on number 1, most interesting. I actually forgot the name of The Bean, so thanks for the reminder. "Splitten" is not a word. You guys split.

    And as for the art museum, needless to say, I'm jealous. I just finished a paper on Rene Magritte, so I want to see some of his work in person (quite a few pieces are held at the Institute).

    Glad you had such a great day! Speak to you again on Thursday!!
