Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday Tennis

T-T-T-Tuesday update!

1) Had a Euro test today. I don't know how I did.. It was pretty hard.. We find out next class! It was on the Reformation.

2) Day 1 of tennis conference! We played Mount Prospect and lost >.< But we play again tomorrow. Our coach then drove us back to Hoffman. ^_^ I didn't even know they allow teachers to do that.. I thought you had to be a licensed bus driver to drive students. Haha, anyways, it was a fun car ride because we had like 10 people in the van.

3) Mom got mad at me AGAIN today.. sigh.. I'll tell you more about it later. Basically she said it's embarassing to her that I keep losing in tennis, and that im representing the tanaka family and if I can't even do well in tennis I might as well not try. (almost word for word what she said, no joke). I'll call you soon and tell you more..

Even despite that, my day was good. Hope yours was too <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry Mom said that to you... We'll talk later. If you return my call! >:(
