Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's hot hot hot!

Hello! ^_^ I didn't want to be late on my post again, so I'm making sure I get this one done today :D

1) I had my first Euro test today. I don't think I did that well... I was mad at myself because I didn't write down the extra credit answer... If she had worded it a bit differently, I would have gotten it.. Oh well, I can't really make up an excuse xD We find out our grade next class, though!

2) We were supposed to have a tennis match today, but all outdoor sports got canceled because of the heat! I'm sort of happy though  because I got to come home early!

3) Since I didn't have tennis, I went to the first newspaper meeting. I think I might do newspaper this year. Mrs. Carroll is the head of newspaper, and she's also my english teacher!

I'm super duper excited for one of you readers out there to come home on friday! :D yayy!
Bye! ^_^

1 comment:

  1. First off, it is really hot! And though it's a slight difference, down here it's a few degrees hotter!!

    I'll go for number 3! That's awesome if you're doing newspaper! You'll make Sanette very proud! And also can't wait to see you this weekend!!
