Friday, November 18, 2011

Posts, Tests, Articles...


1) So on Wednesday we took our AP Euro test on Absolutism. Right when I walked in I had a bad feeling because we had a sub >.< I remember in elementary school, I loved subs. But now I don't like them because we don't get the work done, then do it for Hw. In this situation that wasn't the case, but he couldn't help us out like Mrs. Johansson usually does... Oh well. We ended up getting 10 extra minutes to work on it because he passed out the wrong scantrons! (Which was actually a good thing :P!). And the outline question (I can't believe we're this far in the year and STILL doing outlines >.<) was one I had practiced the night before so I was happy. We find out our grades today! *crosses fingers*

2) We got back our math tests today. Second best in the class! *happy dance*

3) After school, I went to PALS, then went to Newspaper until 5:30. I worked on my NHS article, and actually got it done! Yay! I hope it's good >.<

Gotta get ready for school... See ya! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll comment on 1! Yeah, I don't like subs on test days because if you have a question, they oftentimes don't know. Hope you did well though!!

    And mincom2, awesome job!!
