Friday, May 13, 2011

Frappé Hour

So unfortunately, blogpost wasn't working last night. >.< so, I'm going to make up for my post today, so sorry it's a day late!
1) I had a bio test today. I'm not sure how I did on it.. I was running out of time near the end. It was on protein synthesis and DNA replication and stem cells and DNA fingerprinting. Cross your fingers for me!
2) after school, I went to my friend saba's house. It was my second time going there. It was really fun. We went to starbucks. I don't like coffee, so I got a vanilla bean frappé. It wa pretty much just like a milkshake. XD but the best part was it was half off! From 3-5 this enire week, all frappés were half off. Good day to go. ;)
3) hmmm... What's a third thing... It rained and was cold today. :/ this week had been so beautiful, I just knew it was too good to be true! I hope it gets warmer soon!

I'm excited for a certain big little brudder to come home tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. HITOMI! You should not be drinking coffee, moreless frappes!! Maybe if we go to Starbucks I'll get you a hot cocoa or orange juice or something. An age-appropriate drink.

    Haha, anyway, miss and love you. See you later today!!
