Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Suddenly a Sophomore!

Happy Tuesday! Well, a lot happened today- mainly because it was my FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I don't like being a sophomore, I want to be a freshman again.. >.<
1) Gifted was actually a lot of fun today. We had to do this "team-building" project, where a ball was dropped down this long, cylinder tube and we had various items (two paperclips, a rubber band, a small wrench, thread, a plastic cup, and a clippy thing). We had to try and get the ball out, without tipping it over. So everyone told me (long and skinny arms) to get it out, and the teacher was like "that's impossible" but I got it out! haha, too bad he said we needed to find ANOTHER way to get it out. So, we used the cup and filled it with water, making the ball float its way back up. The downside to class was we already need to start brainstorming Gifted project ideas... And I have NO IDEA what to do!! HELP!
2) 2nd block I had Chem. My teacher's a bit weird, but I guess she's nice. We already started working on labs today. We poured acid on cows' eyeballs and made rainbow solutions and turned aluminum foil into rust and exploded stuff. :D BUT, two projects and lab analysis' were assigned >.<
3) It was raining today, so we didn't play tennis. Instead we just stayed inside. Varsity conditioned but the rest of us weren't even DOING anything! But it didnt end until 5... Oh well. We have a match tomorrow! I'm nervous~!
Anyways, overall my day was good I guess. How was yours?


  1. Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're both sophomores. I mean, I can believe I am. But I'll always look at you as a little sister. Not even in high school. But life goes on, and now you're in your second year.

    I'll comment on number 1. Glad to hear you're having fun in Gifted. I really enjoyed that class. And don't worry too much about your Gifted project. You still have months to figure it out. I'll help you think of something once I come back home! Maybe on a bike ride we can talk about it! =D

    Anyway, good night!!

  2. We sophomores gotta stick together! *high five*

    That bike ride sounds like a great idea *thumbs up* I need all the help I can get :\
