Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Silver Fishy, Red Fishy, Green Fishy, Blue Fishy...

 *eyes dart back and forth*
Every time I go onto my blog page I get distracted by those little fish swimming around. But today it was really bad- I stared at it for like 5 minutes. and I was going to close the window, then I remembered what I was supposed to be doing! Haha, here we goooo!

1) Today was Tuesday, which means... it was a late start! I got to sleep in until 8 :O It was great. And I actually ATE BREAKFAST! :O A bagel and grape juice and an apple. Late starts are just a great start to a day in general. :)

2) Today in Gifted we played our game! Remember how I was telling you about the Hill Game? Well, that didn't exactly work out, but we sort of changed it a bit and instead of doing it on a hill we just made an obstacle course in the hallway. There were some problems with the game, but overall I think it went pretty well. I hope our teacher liked it.

3) And here, for the best part of my day... *drumroll* I got a 91% on my math test!! And with test corrections it's a 94%! *happy dance* Yay that totally made my day because I thought I was going to get a C or a low B on it. Yay yay yay!

I hope you are doing well. And by the way, how do I get onto the hardrive to send you the pictures?

1 comment:

  1. The harddrive should be on Ben's desk or around the computer area. Just plug it into a USB port and the pictures should be in an appropriately named folder.

    I'll comment on number 3. Nice job with your test!! Congrats! I'm proud of you!!
