Monday, August 29, 2011

studying it up on sunday!

I spent most of the day doing homework.. Oh well, at least I got most of it done!

1) Mom and Dad came home from their camping trip today! They said they had a great time, so that was good to hear. They said the other people in the Camping Club who went had fun as well. It's good to have them back!

2) I spent all day in my pajamas. ^_^ Haha, I wasn't even planning on doing that, but before I knew it it was 5 and I was just like, I'm not going to bother to change. It was relaxing though!

3) I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling kind of sick lately.. Not bad enough to rest, but it's not like a cold or anything... I've just been feeling weak lately and my stomach and head occasionally hurt. >.< Hopefully I get better!

Anyways, today was a pretty chill day. How was yours? (:

1 comment:

  1. My day was pretty good! But you can read about it more on my blog! =D

    (1) Why didn't you want to go camping with the rest of them? It sounds like they had fun.

    And kinda delving into (2,3), hope you feel better! (And don't get up at 4:16 am to make posts!!)
