Saturday, May 7, 2011

Origami, Cupcakes, Movies, Oh My!

Good evening<3. I hope you are having a good day (sofar). Haa, here are my 3!

1) At 10:30 I went to Japanese. It was actually really fun! I Got 100 on both my quizzes, and we made mother's day cards with origami. ^_^ Afterwards, me, sammi, marisa, and meghan got wendy's frosties. Yum!

2) I made chocolate cupcakes for part of mom's mother's day present! Yay yay! I went to CVS and got chocolate cake mix. Mom was at Grandma's today, so it was a perfect time to make it. I hid them in my room, and I'm going to frost them tomorrow. :)

3) Today Rina came over. We went on the trampoline, watched "The Dark Knight", and made fried rice. That was really fun, especially since we had a lot to catch up on- I haven't seen her in FOREVER, it feels like.

I realized all my posts involved food.... Hehe. Anyways, I had a pretty good Saturday! I hope yours was too. Well, I'm going to go watch a movie with mom. Can't wait to read your Saturday update! Bye~

1 comment:

  1. I'll comment on #3. It's really awesome for you to hang out and keep in touch with your old friends. I'm really happy to hear that. =D

    Well, hope you had a good weekend and a good week!!
