Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Try, Try, Try Again!

Yo Yo Yo! Don't have much time tonight, so I'm going to get right into my 3!

1) In Math, we played a review game and each question on the board was covered by a different smiley face. He picked a student randomly to pick a smiley face, and we had to answer the math question that was underneath it. There were things like candy, pencils, 5 pts extra credit, 10 pts extra credit, 25 pts extra credit, and doughnuts! Mr. Mead would give us whichever was the LAST one left on the board. We had 3 chances if we got a question wrong. If we got 3 wrong, we didn't get anything. It was so unfair... We finished the ENTIRE board, but the last one left was pencils. -_- I wanted the 25 extra credit, ha!

2) Today was the very last day of Badminton. We had conference today, and me and my partner Adeena were in the line up! That was good news, except the bad news is we did pretty bad... Personally for us, our scores were 21-14 (good on the first game), 18-21 (close!), and we split, and the third game we lost 16-21. :'( I was so disappointed... Me and Adeena tried hard though, and Adeena was sick so she did really well considering HOW sick she was. Our whole team didn't do that great... Only our first doubles team went on. Most of us lost the first round. >.< So yeah... Next year, we'll come back stronger!

3) After we got back to Hoffman, I was going to the locker room to get my stuff and a totally (somehow..) scraped the back of my hand on the door! I don't know HOW, but now I have a bunch of bloody gashes all over the back of my hand. :'( Ouch!

Well, I gotta go study for history, make a map, and read the Odyssey.... New update on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Number one sounds like fun. I'm sorry you couldn't get the +25 extra credit points, but hey! Pencils are better than nothing!!

    The school year also seems to be wrapping up for you. Good luck in all the last goings-ons until summertime!!
