Sunday, September 18, 2011

Doughnuts, Tennis, Chem

Hey! First off, I apologize to one of my readers out there.. I was doing my math homework last night and fell asleep. I didn't even know you were on the phone until mom came in and told me.. And I thought I was dreaming... im sorry! I called you yesterday like at 5, so i guess you were returning my call? Want to talk tonight? I swear I'll be awake this time!

Anyways, here we go!

1) We had a tennis tournament at Lake Park yesterday. It was a quad, so there were 4 schools there- Hoffman, Lake Park, Conant, and Leydan. I thought it was home at first, but I got panicked because I didn't see anyone out there at 7:45. So I was just wondering outside. Finally, my coach found me. It was a bit embarassing, but oh well! He bought us all doughnuts too :D

2) Me and my partner are JV first doubles, and we lost all 3 games... :( but at least we improved with each game! Here were the scores-
Conant- 1-6, 0-6 (pretty bad)
Leydan- 4-6, 2-6 (still lost, but better!)
Lake Park- 7-5, 0-6, tiebreaker was 7-10 (even though we lost, we still split (we won one set, they won the second set), so I was happy! If we only got 3 more points in the tiebreaker, we would have won.. But oh well!)
We are versing Schaumburg this week, and I hope we win! :D

3) After I got home, I went to the library to study for Chem. I planned to stay until it closed, which I thought was at 10, but it actually closed at 5. :( But that's ok- I think i'm gonna be going there again to study with my study group for AP euro later.

I'll update later today for Sunday's post!

1 comment:

  1. I'll comment on number 2. Well, even if you lost, it's good to still see some improvement. Keep going at it and then beat those stupid Saxons! (Okay, they aren't ALL stupid. They just are- on average, based on ACT results- slightly lower than us! =D)
