Friday, November 18, 2011

No School Monday, Bridges, Inductions

Blog update for Tuesday!

1) So I had no school Monday, which was nice. :D I didn't really do much that day though... but it was relaxing! Friday off, the weekend, monday off, and late start tuesday = pretty awesome weekend!

2) In Gifted, we've still been working on our bridge. We haven't started the construction yet, but we're getting there. Still trying to figure out the filtering system and how the bridge will be anchored yet still float.

3) Tuesday night was the NHS Induction Night. I was getting quotes for yearbook, pictures for yearbook, and interviews for my Newspaper article. At first I was nervous, but then I got over that. I interviewed tons of students, the sponsors for the club, and a lot of teachers, and the principal! They had lots of good things to say. And this was a conversation between Mr. Ahn and I..
Ahn: Are you a Tanaka?
Me: Yeah
Other Teacher: How'd you figure that out so fast?
Ahn: She just has this Tanaka-like insanity about her.. it's in her eyes...
Me: o.O *confused*

haha! He's awesome though! I want to have him as my teacher sooo badly! :P

Well, that's all for Tuesday's post! Next is Thursday's!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, I'm really far behind on comments. I'll definitely comment on number 3 though. That's awesome. I really miss Ahn, he was a great teacher! And you do have the Tanakaness in you!!
