Monday, August 22, 2011

Summery Sunday!

I know I'm late. And I'm sorry. I got home at like 11 last night.. and was kinda tired.. Then I had to wake up early and was at school until now, pretty much. So, let's get into it!!
So on Sunday...
1) I finished the Crucible in the morning! Yay! I thought it was an O.K. book. The ending was horrible, though! Now I kind of want to re-watch your cartoon, because now I'll actually UNDERSTAND what I was saying. But quick question- why, out of all the characters, did you pick Mary as the most innocent? I guess I should watch the animation, but I don't know where to find it xD
2) Mom's been on a health kick.. So for lunch yesterday we had salad. It was actually pretty good though. It had shrimp, egg, blueberries, and then all the regular salad stuff. Plus, it had croutons!! (Throw on some croutons, it makes everything taste better ;) )
3) Now, for the most fun part of my day! I went to Maira's house for a BBQ! It was really fun! We played games, had hamburgers and hotdogs, macaroni salad, fruit salad, all that jazz. We made a fire and made smores and just talked. It was a good summer night! And I hadn't seen a lot of my friends in a long time, so it was good to catch up.
Overall, I had a good day yesterday! I'll update again tomorrow! (my first day of school... >.< gah)

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