Thursday, May 5, 2011

Choking on a Lifesaver?!

Hi! Whenever I see the caption under my blog's main heading, I laugh. H2- Oh, no, I mean S! Ahaha! Gets to me every time. ;)

1) I had a test/quiz in every block today! That's one bad thing about having all my core classes in one day. -_- But the worst part is I think I did bad on mostly all of them! First was Bio, and we took a quiz on protein synthesis and DNA replication and I did horrible. o.O and in math, we took a test and I think i did bad on that too. >.< English was good because right after we took the quiz, we graded it in class and I got 100 ^_^. THEN, was history, which I think I did bad. :D Well, we just have to wait and see!

2) I came home on the 3 o'clock bus today! It felt so weird not going to the locker room and then to practice. I already miss it. :( I don't like coming home early... I feel like I get LESS done, ironically, then when I get home at 6. All I did so far was write just one page of notes out of 12 I have to do for World History. So unproductive, lol!

3) This one actually happened last night- I was eating a lifesaver, and started choking on it. Then I started to laugh because of the irony. Then, my eyes started to water cuz it hurt so bad. So I was choking, laughing, and crying all at the same time! Then I started laughing harder because of the randomness of it all. But don't worry, I'm all good now. :)

Well, back to homework and unloading the dishwasher! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I still like your caption. At this waterpark near Aunt Lisa, there is a ride called H2-OH NO!!

    Anyway, I'll comment on numba wun. It's funny how you say "I think I did bad on ALL of them, but I got 100% on one of them." I'm sure you did great, Tomi! You're just a harsh critic on yourself.

    And a mini-comment for number 3. The name Lifesaver is actually because if you swallow it, the little hole will prevent you from suffocating. So it's literally saving your life (or, just preventing you from dying... Tomato tomAto...)

    Alright, until this weekend! TTFN! (That's terrific Friday's now!)
