Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm sorry I'm late- BIG SIX!

1) First off, I finished that episode of "An American Life" about middle school. It was really good and funny and interesting xD LOL I was laughing when the dad called his son's friend's parents and called the kid "evan" instead of "devan" or something. haha and I was on the bus, too! Anyways, I'm going to download the next one when it comes out.

2) Last night I went shopping to get my friend a present, because her birthday party is today. We are going to a restaurant and then to a pottery place. I got her a scarf and two necklaces, and I really want to do this sentimental gift with a photo frame but the stupid photo printer isn't working becuase I can't find the camera cord! Ughh so I now I don't know what to do.. Well, I have 4 hours to figure something out. =P

3) In English, we are starting to read the tragedy of Julius Caesar. It is pretty interesting so far. But I hate how Shakespeare is so hard to understand sometimes! But I think it will get better.

4) On Thursday night, I went to help usher for the fall play for theater guides. The play was "Twelve Angry Jurors" (based on 12 angry men). But, they had girls in it so they needed to change the name. Have you ever read the book? It was really good, except I was so tired that night I was struggling to stay awake >.<

5) Today I got to sleep in ^_^ I was happy because I don't like waking up early :[ hehe, I woke up at 9 -ish.

6) As you can probably tell from my last point, I'm running out of stuff to talk about! Uhmmm... I emailed you the pictures! Sorry I was late. Anyways, go check your email if you haven't already! =]

ON TIME update tomorrow! (:

1 comment:

  1. I suppose if you have a Big Six, I'll do a You-Pick-Two variety.

    So for my first one to comment on, I'll do number 1. Glad you like This American Life! Yeah, I think he updates every Monday so today there should be a new one!

    And for my second comment, it'll be over number 4. That sounds really fun. I remember reading that play I believe either fresh or soph year.

    And mini-comment on number 6, thanks!!
