Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Post Back!

Hola, readers! I've missed you! I need to catch my bus soon, so I'll make it quick :)

1) So where we eat dinner is different now. we now eat in the kitchen. It's a bit weird, but I guess it's easier for mom to deal with the dishes and everything!

2) Monday after school, Scholastic Bowl was canceled... so I went to the publications office and just worked on my yearbook page until 5:30 ^_^

3) Yesterday after school (after SAVE club and math tutoring) I was waiting for the bus. But it was sooo late! Like 15 minutes late. and I thought I missed it but everyone else was waiting for it too. FINALLY it came! I was happy :D

Well, new post tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. Eating in the kitchen?! That's like back when we were little kids. Nostalgia rush! Anyway, I wonder how things will be once I get back home. Miss you, bye!!
