Monday, December 12, 2011

Euro, Layout, and Games!

Thursday was a tiring but good day :) Let's get into it!
1) I got my Euro test back. I got an 89%. Not my best score, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Those tests are hard so I feel good about it. :)

2) After school, I went to the library for a half hour with two friends. Then, I went to the Newspaper office and helped with layout for about 2 and a half hours... It was tiring but I enjoyed it :) We want to get it printed and ready to hand out by Wednesday.

3) After Newspaper (it was around 5:45), I went to pep band for the first basketball game. It was against schaumburg! Unfortunately we lost. Anyways, I really wanted to go to this game because we only had to go to half of it (since it was a school night), but we got one full credit for going. We need to go to at least 7 out of the 10 games for pep season. Not many of my friends were there, but there were a few people there that I talked to. It was an intense game!

I ended up coming home around 9. I had a really bad headache that night, but it felt better in the morning. Anyways, next is Saturday's post! :)

1 comment:

  1. I could've sworn I commented on all this... Hm... Well, let's go with a comment spree!!

    Nice job on your Euro test! Is there a curve to the class? In that case, that 89 should be an A!
