Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Chilly Day, Perfect for a Bowl of Chili

 Haha, I really want chili....
It's only been a day, and I miss you (you know who you are) already!

1) Another tennis match today. Against wheeling! I lost 3-6, 1-6. :\ But we are slowly getting better! So I was actually okay with our score. We'll get them next time >: D

2) We did an in class writing of the Crucible today in English. The prompt was how does the alienation of one character (you can choose which character to write about) show the morals and values of his/her surrounding society? I said John Proctor because his ability to speak his mind and be the voice of justice is such an abnormality in the hysteric town. I was the last person writing by the end of the block >.< lol!

3) My finger picking has gotten really bad lately... I really need to stop! It's just so hard! >.< But I don't know why, today they've been hurting more than usual! Just washing my hands hurts. How do you think I should break this habit? What are YOUR worst habits?

I'll talk to you on Thursday. :)

1 comment:

  1. I suppose I'm prompted to write for number 3, haha.

    You should always carry something around with you (like a squeezy ball) and whenever you feel the urge to pick, just squeeze that.

    And my worst habits... Procrastination, although I've been doing a LOT better with that lately. And similar to you, I have the bad habit of picking my nails, but not to a point of hurting! Good luck and hope my advice works!!
