Monday, September 26, 2011

Busy Busy Saturday!

Saturday was a very eventful day! Let's get into it :D

1) We had tennis Saturday morning. It was actually only an hour because we conditioned inside instead of playing outside (due to the rain). It was more exercise than we usually do in tennis (hehe), but it was good because it was shorter. :D

2) I went to Japanese! I hadn't been there in forever due to tennis tournaments and practice. Only me and Sammi could go, though. But it was good. I have a lot of work to make up, though!

3) I went to homecoming Saturday night at Schamburg! It was really fun! It was sort of last minute that I went, and I wore the same dress as last year's homecoming. It was still good though. I ended up sleeping over at Sammi's that night.

Next update is talking about Sunday!


  1. 3. I can't believe you're defecting to the other side! Hitomi. Listen to me. SHS is the enemy! You're in a rival school! I don't want to hear any of this "Going to their homecoming and having fun" nonsense!

    Haha, I kid. Glad you had fun and are still connected with your friends even while going to different schools.

  2. Whoa, how'd you see through my disguise?! "having fun", what nonsense... That's just to cover up my super secret spying self. ;)I now know all the inside Schaumburg details... muahaha. >:D
