Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tests and Tennis

Hi! :D While I'm waiting for my bagel to crisp (toast?), I'll update! Starting from bad to good!

1) I took my Euro test! It was so nervewracking! We had to do an outline and thesis, and only had 5 minutes! I barely finished. And it was really disorganized and sloppy! >.< BUT, I did get the extra credit question! I'll let you know how the test went on Thursday's blog.

2) Tennis against Schaumburg! But we lost, 0-6, 3-6. Last year, we totally creamed them! But then again, that was the freshman team.. This year it was JV. Sigh.. But it's okay! Next time!

3) I just realized I wrote a lot of exclaimation points. So in this point, I won't. (: I might go to schaumburg's homecoming, if I can turn in the paperwork and get signatures in time! It's this Friday or Saturday.


1 comment:

  1. Alright, looks like I'm not the only one doing a late post!!

    Haha, anyway, I'll do number 1. Hope you did well on the test. Nice job with the extra credit. And good luck in that class. It's really hard, but you'll get a lot out of it and it'll really prepare you for future APs!!! (Again, with a lot of exclamation marks)
